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The Cabbage PatchClose Assault Mini Tourney 2025 Round2

I had played this one once before and realized that the 447's just get destroyed if they come out of their cubby hole "protection" of the orchards. ( I think the Americans can win easily if they just full on setup for an Assault at the German setup corner)
NOTE: both American leaders were downgraded 1 level. 10-3 just eviscerates everything.

Actually started to dig one...just in case he attacked...Setup a 16fp shot on the middle building vs his 9-1mmg337...and got a lucky break.
Then just had the 447's for the rest of the game harass the enemy across the road from their setup area...

Reinforcements (548's) came on turn 3 I think...check the log. And I just simply decided to go for the 2 hex building...either we take it and win or break and die.

10-2 was hanging around the area, but the 548's (2 HOB's fromt he assault) secured the building while the 447's finally get a break on the defenders at the crossroads.
Tanks had no effect...they came on Turn 5 and the game was over at the end of that turn.

Fun map Good maneuver options. Quick...
(VASL Log)
Dutch Courage A_Lost_Canadian
Carnage in the Night galletto
Purple Heart AlleyI was German defender vs American attacker. This is definitely tough on the Americans. I was able to slow him down for a significant amount of game time. He was never able to get close to the final victory hex where I had a Squad with MG waiting. Great Germain morale and stone buildings vs weak American morale is a factor. Robert7721
The Puma ProwlsThe German armor leader in his immobilised puma destroyed the last three russian T70 as they were trying to exit. strategos
IvanovskiiAfter a fine advance that allowed them to quickly recapture the first group of buildings, the Germans came up against a strong defense from the Russians, who managed to retreat in good order. Thanks to their heavy firepower, the Germans managed to slowly advance through the Southern buildings. But, to the North, the dug-in T-34 was keeping watch, and the Russian sniper was actively shooting. For the final assault, the Germans rushed forwards. The defensive fire eliminated a few squads, but the Germans managed to enter CC on the last two target building hexes. The close combat was deadly to the Russian defenders in both cases. A very tense game that could have gone either way. The scenario is pleasant and fairly balanced. lt_steiner
Alles Hat Ein Ende wwillow
Bedburg BiteVery close to a Canadian win. One German half squad in 67L5. Wasted the German mortar and the jagdpanther never got a hit. 1.5 German squads left unbroken at end. Viking_CTO
Seoul Searchingcame down to final CC versus last NK squad.
The 45LL was the star, killing 2 squads and break 2 more, before being killed in CC.
Kordiyak's Woods Bongiovanni
Muscled Out of TownDog of a scenario. Chance of Free French winning are slim to none. MACHETE
Counterstroke at Stonne galletto
Golden PheasantsAmericans overwhelmed German left, gather strength with AFV. Held off right and moved toward VC buildong. Mafe quick work of German conscripts. American lost a few tanks but.manovered well BobMcKenna1966
Counterstroke at Stonne manzoliandrea72
RagnarökI've managed to lose this one twice, first with the Germans againt Rob, and then with the Russians against Vlad. Both games were hella fun though. BlitzkriegBeast
The Tsar's Infernal Machines waaayback
Kicked to the Curb13 VP at the last CC. Bongiovanni
Death Takes a TollGreat bocage fall back scenario which transforms into all- out city fight for the end game. asloser
Muscled Out of Town jwert02
Norway in HalfAnd absolute stinker of a scenario where the Norwegians have too few troops for the type of mission they need to achieve, especially when they don't have an advantage in support weapons. This scenario needs something like Smoke-only OBA, or one fewer German squads, or another modification (on top of the first two) in order to truly balance it. Jobbo_Fett
Kicked to the CurbIt’s always a good game when it comes down to the last CC and the Poles had 3 of them to take a final VC building which they duly did. I just hadn’t inflicted enough damage on them through the game so they had plenty of options with squads and half squads for that final turn rush. Feels well balanced and would happily play again as either side Simonstan
The Czerniakow BridgeheadRussians took the early lead in CVP and then decided to retreat to hold it, giving up the viccory territory of the board. A self inflicted tactical mistake in the final turn led to the Germans just making it over the hump for the win, cupcakus
The GauntletSurprised to see all the Norwegian wins on this one, 6 Morale with 3 range and they just could not put up a fight against the superior German numbers. German player left the trucks behind and by turn 5 there were only a few squads left that weren't disrupted. Maybe it was just bad rolls, opp was hot and I had bad bad morale checks, but I could not grok a good plan to hold anything. cupcakus
In Min's Gang RumbleThis is a brilliant scenario. With two turns remaining, my USMC were three victory locations short of victory and within 5 CVPs of an instant win for the NKA. With great difficulty, they managed to take two of the locations with the third almost sure to follow. It all came down to the final NKA move in the final game turn. With the USMC all but guaranteed to have all the victory locations that they needed on the final turn, a 458 passed its PAATC to advance into a building hex containing a vehicle in bypass. Only a DR of 3 or less would destroy the tank and win the game. Needless to say, that is exactly what was rolled to snatch the victory. Shame about the result but this was a blast to play. Ten out of ten. Dougban
Feast DayFor FNF. My Canadians were able to break through and get enough buildings, along with the church, to seal the win. Great Fun! von Garvin
Initial SkirmishVery tight, lots of fun. I lost by 1 VP. Motorcycles! waaayback
Factory Fodder Viking_CTO
Grebbe End BravoCo
Espirito InaspettatoGreeks used their 9-2 kill stack to obliterate 1.5 Italian squads while they split their force fairly evenly moving in from the east and west, with a couple squads sneaking up the middle through the gully. The guns were a major concern, so a fair bit of searching was carried out. The western force made enough headway on Turn 2 to force the Italian reinforcements to take the long way to the hill. The Italians pulled back their 9-2 kill stack from the southern edge of the hill, prematurely I believe, and I suspect this may have cost them the game. Turn 3 saw the Greeks mainly enter east central, with a stack making for the northern tip of the hill to interdict the reinforcing Italians. Turn 4 saw the Greeks take their first casualty when a HS was lost, but with the Italians now having lost 3.5 squads and an 8-0 they could afford the trade-off. The first Italian gun revealed itself shooting point blank at a full stack of Greeks that had crested the hill, only to whiff and lose concealment. It would amazingly survive DFPh, but not be so lucky during the following PFPh. But the rest of Turn 5 would not be so kind for the Greeks, with the inevitable 9-2 showdown going the Italians' way by pinning his counterpart and breaking two of the Greek MGers. Then a lucky 4+1 sent tumbling a whole stack of Greeks after their 8-1 leader mortally wounded. The ART made its first appearance and, much like the AT gun, failed to deliver. The Greeks then got some revenge on the bottom of the turn when they encircled, broke, and subsequently eliminated two Italian squads holding the south-central part of the hill. This would ensure the Greeks (at least temporarily) would be able to control the minimum 11 buildings. But they did better than that when some nice shooting softened up the north end of town, and were actually able to grab one building and tie up another in melee. Turn 6 saw the Italians lose their HMG for good (after having broken and repaired twice before) and, while they most likely would've been able to knock the Greeks back down to 10 buildings, with the Greeks getting last move and facing the prospect of surviving a fully restocked 9-2 kill stack they called it a day. Not a bad scenario, but I think the Greeks will typically face a tall order in being able to grab and hold the full complement of buildings. buser333
Good, Lucky, or BothThe scenario title is accurate: I think the British have to be good, lucky or both to win this one. There’s a lot of ground to cover and some tricky terrain. The Italians will melt away under fire, but there are so many of them it’s not hard to overwhelm positions. The grain makes it hard to shift the defense too. I would say this is a good advanced challenge to test and practice defensive skills in ASLSK. It would be a different game in full ASL with fire lanes, entrenchments, etc. LtDan
Turning the Tables toffee
I Don't Like Retreating Heloanjin
About His Shadowy SidesIn our continuing quest to play all the BoF, I took the defending Germans in this one. Chris got a little Frisky with his big war machines and parked them close enough to my entry area so that my reinforcements entered and got to PB range against them. PB rear shots versus a tank with no ROF and no IF are pretty much the best you're going to do, so I knocked those out early. Even still Chris made a good game of it, taking 7 of the 9 buildings and having a chance to get the win on the last turn but his attack came up a little short trying to get those last two and the Germans came away with the win. tatumjonj
The Tiger Of ToungooJapanese approach to crack the first fort with DC met with double disaster wiping the units right away. Another stack of banzai charges met the HIP HMG that also luckily wiped them all with KIAs. With so many early losses to the Japanese it was an easy win for the Chinese. feralhuntsman
The Blood of Lambs wwillow
Loosening the NooseVery nice scenario. Despite a good defense in order to slow the French, the Germans were finally overwhelmed in the last turn. The issue of the game was undecided until the two last CC. lechiquier94
By Ourselves manzoliandrea72
Backs to the SeaThe bulk of the German forces struck up the center while a small force advanced up the east side. Half of the center force was able to attain concealment behind the bocage and maintained it by AM and advance through the shellholes, The remaining unconcealed units struck forward mostly using the shellholes for some level of cover. As it turned out, the American setup was weakest on the east side of the battlefield. Most IFT rolls were ineffective for both sides, but that gave the Gerrmans the advantage of being able to advance mostly unscathed. Fearing the open ground, the American forces did not shift forces from the west side until late in the scenario. By this time, the Germans were within a few hexes of board 7. Despite that, the scenario came down to the last turn. Heloanjin
Commando SchenkeLearning game for Bob. Heloanjin
The Fangs of TransylvaniaA very massive, and challenging scenario. My initial Hungarians in village were overrun very quickly. They were able to strip off a few of HT and lighter armed vehicles. By turn 3, the Romanians had two recalls as well as two immobilized tanks. My Hungarians mostly stayed on North edge of battle area in amongst buildings and walls. We we able to pick of a couple Romanians and threaten the cap. In end combinations of losses, malfs, and recalls stalled Romanian attack.

2025 eASL Open (VASL Log)
Yet the Bite RemainsI could not get agressive enough attack and conceded in turn 7 when ran out of troops. This on requires very precise and agressive play as the British. This scenario saw the creation of not one but two Japanese heroes for my opponent, can cross off thet from my bucket list. asloser
Let’s Shoot the S.O.B.’sAll 3 T34-85 destroyed - 2 by BAZ and one CC. darryllundy
ANZAC Boys jacelm
The Cabbage PatchThe German's sat back waiting for reinforcements that did not show up until Turns 6 and 7. With no time to maneuver, the German infantry entered on Turn 6, mostly as a stack, and ran straight into the HIP'd American MMC. The result was a pinned leader and a fanatic squad with a Hero followed by a broken American squad. Certainly could have been worse. But the stack was stuck 2 hexes from where they needed to be. One other MMC moved into the edge stone building which was unoccupied. On Turn 7, a broken German HS actually self rallied, providing a unit to take another unoccupied stone building. Everything else was thrown at a 3rd stone building, occupied by a single American MMC. The German infantry had to pass multiple American units laying down residual and fire lanes. Amazingly, many of the Germans successfully moved adjacent to the last building and advanced into CC. In the CCPh, the Germans got ambush and then eliminated the American MMC. However, the Americans had plenty of FP to advance on and take the edge side stone building, guarded by a single German HS. In hindsight, knowing that the dice would save the attacker, the Germans should have left another squad in that building as well as parked an AFV to protect that building. But the German player was simply too frustrated by the reinforcement die rolls. I don't recommend this scenario as it depends almost entirely on when the reinforcements arrive. Heloanjin
Leningrad RedsUnique VC by selection. Both chose VC on north side. Defense centered on walled orchard. Attacked thru woods but couldn’t pass MC for which there were many due to ROF. Full on slaughter of Finns. MM2025 nebel
Golden Pheasants igycrctl
Zboiska HeightsA very good scenario. Went down to stopping German counterattack on last turn.
Too Close For ComfortA very tough Scenario for the Japanese. I was able to slip around to the west end of factory under cover of LV and a little smoke. Once in the factory, was able to slowly slog forward. My Japanese were helped by some opportune ineffective fire led by 10-2. It still came down to final turn. Nail-biter!
The Ghosts From DasburgMarch Madness 2025 dmareske
Easy's Bridge toffee
The Tsar's Infernal MachinesI found this scenario quite fun, and very unique. Both sides get to Banzai charge with even fewer restrictions than the Japanese, although with only poor quality units. There are a few SSRs and odd vehicle characteristics that require ongoing attention during play. The Germans have to take stone building locations. Overall I think my dice were better when it counted, and I managed to get more than I needed, forcing the Russians to try to take some back. By then, several Russian units were Disrupted, and there were just not enough MMC willing to get back in the fight. The Germans have no SW, but the five ACs (trucks, really) can possibly be immobilized by small arms fire (SSR), and one is OT. Capturing one of the two Russian MMGs would be gold here (AF 0), but I don't see that happening very often. The ACs are radioless and bog very easily if moved off road, so not the threat they might be otherwise. A cool SSR affects German 4-3-6/2-3-6s (the entire OB) by potentially causing them to Battle Harden, pin, or break if an AC gets within three hexes of them. By the time the ACs entered, I had two squads already Battle Hardened from HOB rally attempts, so they were immune. It's better to be lucky than good. asl458
Tactical DoctrineThe German assault was surprisingly efficient and never let the Soviets a chance to regroup and counterattack. I was expecting the cellars to be to scene of some epic fights but the two German DCs quickly neutralized the soviet resistance there. Djord
To the SquareThis is your standard early ASL Scenario with many turns spent as the Russian move up the board to take the building or exit VP off the board. Game as a standard slog until the Russian were able to get into the building by Going Berserk. There was 2 CC in the building that ended int Mass destruction with the loss of only the weapons remaining in the hexes. The Germans were able to recover the dropped weapons and get more reinforcement into the build and hide on the first and second floor.. slunts
The Citadel Viking_CTO
The Bridge of VerdalsöraIt feels like the Norwegians must set up their defenses forward in order to prevent any movement across the bridge for as long as possible. This is hampered by the fact that the Germans get early reinforcements that get the circumvent the natural obstacle. Lucky smoke and cautious movement allowed me to cross with most of my force on turn one, which blew the floodgates open on gaining ground and pressuring the Norwegians. Norwegians probably deserve the balance on this one. Jobbo_Fett
Taking HeadsRound 3 of 2025 - KC March Madness Tournament. grumblejones
Tip Off at TauroggenFire base w 9-2 was solid but no ROF tears - pushed around both village edges steadily and was in decent position to take 8 buildings. The Russian tanks went halftrack hunting and bagged a bunch. Lost by CVP. Very fun for both sides. MM2025 nebel
Taking HeadsHMG and 9-1 anchored the center and was able to thin the Jap forces before they reached the woods line. The M3 SPG got some nice hits and the Japanese attack did not quite have enough left to get enough buildings. . nebel
Taking HeadsRound 3 of 2025 - KC March Madness Tournament. Very enjoyable game. I was Japanese attacker vs Philippine army defender. I was able to methodically work my way into the center of town and the victory location hexes, but taking causalities along the way. His MMG and HMG in multistory stone buildings were brutal on my advancing Japanese. I was able to eliminate one halftrack with the ATR and another by double stun to force a recall. I had 6 of the 13 victory locations at the end. I did not have enough troops left to press any further in Turn 7. Once done counting the CVPs at the end of the game, the Philippine army had just a couple more than the Japanese. Robert7721
Taking HeadsMarch Madness 2025 dmareske
Commando SchenkeMarch Madness 2025 dmareske
Melting Pot Bongiovanni
The Deadly LineFor Friday Night Fight Club von Garvin
The End of Their Rope strategos
Farmyard AffrayRound Two - 2025 KC March Madness Tournament. grumblejones
Danish CrossroadsRound One - 2025 KC March Madness Tournament. grumblejones
Farmyard Affray. I was British attacker. Difficult conditions to meet. Needed to run across a grain field to take a couple building hexes from minimal German forces (but with 1 MMG, 1HMG) in 3 turns before his reinforcements arrive. Then return to a Victory control hex to defend it. My die were terrible, his were hot. My mortar got 1 smoke off and then broke on 2nd shot. His unsmoked MMG hit my infantry crossing the grain field and lit them up. My 1st morale check on the 9-2 leader was boxcars, and the entire kill stack broke in the middle of the grain field. Didn’t get much better. Never got close to the Building I needed to take. Conceded Turn 3. Robert7721
Fused At ZeroNo smoke to cover the assault no place to hide from either the guns or the 10-2 and MG. Raked everywhere and all the Germans broke and ELR’d. Pointless gun pushing and meatwaves. No fun at all as attacker. MM2025 nebel
Supply DetailFun as the French to rake the Germans as they tried to reinforce the village. 2 50cal and 10-2 tore things up throughout the game. No fun for German player. MM2025 nebel
Danish CrossroadsRound One - 2025 KC March Madness Tournament. I was Danish Defender. Danish did well up to the very last turn. I slowed his infantry assault, and he kept his 4 AFVs out of range until the his last turn. I had an MMG covering the right flank and AT gun still working on the left. He was able to successfully run an AFV down the right flank and multiple shots for Infantry and MMG did not stop him. He eventually overran my last AT Gun which missed with both regular and Intensity fires. I did not have sufficient forces left to counter attack in last half of the turn and conceded. Robert7721
Fused At ZeroMarch Madness 2025 dmareske
La Guerre Finie!!March Madness 2025 dmareske
The Niscemi-Biscari HighwayAnthony is really coming along quite nicely with his understanding of the rules and tactics. He played a great game on the way to a win. The Germans were looking great after 3 turns and I thought I had it, but he sprung out one of the captured guns, blasted my lone AFV and then that thing just kept hitting and getting rate. The real turning point of the game was when during my movement phase late in the game, I had a unit that had AMd next to a victory hex go berserk and another stack AMing the leader went berserk and took the squad with him. So I now have two units running around in the open getting blasted and losing me the game. That's ASL. tatumjonj
The Deadly Line Thompsonmg(MGT)
Buckley's Block rangercote
Encircle This!Germans lost a squad in their initial probing of the Russian line, though they also had the 7-0 turn heroic, and forced the AT gun into action. Russians abandoned it and fled to safety in the factories. German infantry moved to the doorstep of the first factory, which was stacked to the gills. In fact, all but one Russian squad was firmly ensconced in one of the factories, and they were in an adjacent building. This certainly didn't make for the most exciting defense. Tigers were busy escorting their laden HTs through the east end of town en route to the exit. Turn 3 saw the Germans get a toehold in the first factory, while the convoy moved north and west. I made what I consider to be an exceptionally stupid tactical error by ignoring the convoy and bringing my tanks in from the south. This was exacerbated by unnecessarily leaving one of them CE to get stunned. Sloppy. This of course allowed the Tigers to break off from the convoy (who easily made it offboard with the required VPs) and concentrate on applying pressure to my men from the north. Thankfully for me one of them broke its MA and they kept their distance from me wary of MOLs, or things could've been much worse. Germans now controlled half the first factory, and their 9-2 kill stack (joined by the heroic 7-0) ruled the roost. But I could still block the way with bodies, which I did. I lost my stunned tank driving into a cellar. With three turns left things were looking grim. Turn 5 saw the Germans inch forward Stalingrad style, but I was able to tie up T2 and T3 with bodies to avoid a turn of relentless shooting. My remaining tank successfully entered S4 to help bolster the line. Turn 6 saw me bleed a few bodies and lose the first factory, but I was able to safely skulk away the rest and weather the fire. I was able to ring R3 with bodies and, without enough enemy firepower in T3 to do the deed, survive the assault. Blocking the way with bodies is never the most satisfying way to win, but we do what we can to survive. Not a very fun scenario if you ask me. buser333
A Polish BattlefieldPlayed as part of VASLeague 2025, effective OBA and superior AFV's gave the German's the win, but it did come down to the final die roll, of the final phase, of the final turn.

Special mention to the beyond heroic Polish AT Gun that held the hill effectively on it's own and never rolled more than a 7 the entire game.
A Ridge Too FarClose game. Brits had exceptional luck with smoke and WP while the Germans kept failing MCs and ELR to include the squad with the MMG. Germans used broken units to restrict the British advance. British had exactly 9 VPs. The Germans tried Prep on the last turn in an attempt to break one MMC without luck. The better action probably would have been to attempt to get into CC against a HS, but that required crossing open ground. Heloanjin
Bricks in FlamesMarch Madness 2025 dmareske
Dash For Saint PoucinThe Frenchies held tough. One French squad managed multiple kills in CC against the odds. Tomkrny
Delaying ActionMy Russian opponent when straight for the objective to run across the battlefield, but whit HIP German handling Panzerfaust it proved to be a deadly run for the Russians. I chose to hide my German Units early between row R and row X, this would allow early contact to surprise the Russian four T-34/85 and three ISU-122 coming my way. By the ned of turn 2 The German had already eliminated two T-34/85 and one ISU-122 and only suffered a Casualty elimination upon a Boxcar Rallying DR. On turn 3 another T-34/85 lost it's Main Gun to breakdown, and one of the two remaining got stun and recalled by a nice Sniper headshot. Russian were already taking a heavy toll while a German half-squad became fanatic. On Turn 4 this German Fanatic HS received a Critical HE hit with 34 FP from a T-34/85 in the Prep Fire phase and resisted a 4MC to only get pinned. The T-34/85 ROF 3 additional times only to get nothing out of it. I love those Fanatice high morale units. On the same turn the Only Remaining ISU-122 breaks it's Main Armement. On turn 5, My hero team with the 9-2 Leader destroyed another T-34/85 with a front hull hit creating a fourth Burning wreck on the battlefield. Later on turn 5 The recalled ISU-122 left the battlefield leaving only another ISU-122 with disabled Main Armement and one T-34/85 to go for the remaining Goog Order German unit scaterred arond the battlefield. On turn 6 the Russian exited their first AFV and it was still possile to tie the game with elimination of 5 other German units , but turn 6 was theswan song for the Russian as a Leader creation from field promotion DR added another German leader. Final score Germany 5 Russia 2 Gray_fox
No Time to BleedI used a defense where most of my units were back near the exit area, but I placed my Guns very far forward with the 85L protecting the rear of the 76L. I had their covered arcs pointed towards the exit area hoping for some rear or side shots. I got one with the 76L on turn 1, burning a tank. Then he tried to circle around behind the 76L and I got another one with the 85L. My opponent kind of lost the plot, deciding to try and throw a lot of FP at the guns instead of avoiding them and getting off the board. He lost the MA on another AFV and while running a Tiger CE at my 76L, I hit him with a hail mary 6 +3 on the CE crew and forced a NMC which he boxed. Recalled, now he has a malfed MA Tiger on board and the Pz IVH. At this point, my AFVs were kind of free to run wild and clean up the infantry. My opponent conceded when I got his last AFV with an immobilized SU85 in advancing fire. Pretty fun, I think he would have had a decent chance if he ignored the guns and simply drove around them. tatumjonj
The Other Side Of The TracksMain attacking force blundered straight into the muzzle of Flak Guns ending any chance of further advance. Kydder
The Mad MinuteAnthony made decent progress into the city and really put the Americans in a tough position but unfortunately he lost a lot of AFVs moving too aggressively early. A 57L took out one late in the game that put him under the threshold of 3 mobile AFVs needed to win. I had terrible luck with my AFVs, malfing the MAs of both and recalling one on turn 2, but the 57L guns did a lot of damage with their ungodly rate of fire. Very fun scenario. tatumjonj
Danish Crossroads Bongiovanni
Danish CrossroadsQuirky early war scenario with half a dozen Danish squads trying to maintain control of a crossroads (hence the scenario title) against ten German squads supported by three armour armoured cars with a light tank reinforcing on the penultimate turn. The Germans have a lot of open ground to cover to reach the crossroads and only five turns in which to do it. Ploughed fields help to slow the German advance. I set up all my units in and around the stone buildings near the crossroads and did very little movement after that. Eric did a lot of deployment to improve the survival chances of the advancing German infantry but the problem was that it was very difficult for the Germans to bring significant firepower to bear on the Danish infantry. The Danes didn’t help, their cause by breaking both of their ATGs. One was subsequently disabled and removed but the other recovered to eliminate two AFVS including the MkIIF and leave the German infantry without any armoured support. That was pretty fortuitous and allowed the Danes to hold on for the win. This is a challenging assault for the Germans but they can win simply by driving the MkII into one of the crossroads hexes and staying in motion on the final turn. With a frontal AF of 3 against an ATG TK of 6, the Dane’s need to roll well to kill it, even at close range. It makes for a bit of a dicey scenario but quite fun to play if time is limited. Dougban
Kachin Rangers wwillow
Take It Back strategos
Katyusha Variations BravoCo
Tirailleurs and Antiques In June 1940, a German Infantry force, 1/3 Elite, led by a 9-2, assaults a village in which they have to Control the majority of a certain type of buildings. A French 1st Line force 2/3 the size of the German's tries to prevent that. The French receive support in the form of one platoon of FT-17 variants of WW1 vintage to prevent that.

I had the defending French. Their setup area is limited in a way that feels just one hex-row "short", denying them some useful positions. Furthermore, there is not very much room for maneuver for the French, so their best bet is to mess up the approach of the Germans - which is easier said then done. The vintage FT-17s are radioless, have red MP's, and - worst of all - only 5 MP. Furthermore, the Germans are rewarded if they can take out the tin-cans.

The Germans attacked aggressively. In part, I might have set up too far forward, which basically meant that I wasted a squad and was lucky to pull back another. Of course, the key weapon for the French is the HMG. Before I could get off a shot, its manning Infantry was blasted by the German 9-2, HMG&friends. Eventually, in Turn 4, I would recapture it from the Germans but it did fire but a single ineffective shot throughout the game. In general, the performance of my SW and Guns was not exactly blessed: The MA of the 37* tank malfed on the first shot and the vehicle was Recalled thereafter. Both LMGs eventually malfed, one got repaired and malfed again. The 75* MA of the second FT-17 malfed, but I managed to repair it.

Needless to say, all this did not exactly help the French. By the end of Turn 3, I was merely holding on to 3 out of 8 victory buildings. On the bright side, my Sniper performed very well, neutralizing and reducing an important stack for a while giving me some respite. Later, it killed the 8-1 German Leader. In French Turn 4, I managed to counterattack with what little I had left to gain 5 out of 8 victory buildings. In doing so, I needed to have the tanks use non-Platoon Movement but both failed their TC to do so.

I had not enough unbroken troops to stem the German tide, especially with the tanks refusing to move. By the end of Turn 5, the Germans had pushed me out again from the buildings I had recaptured and on top of it contrived to kill a tank in CC.

At this time, my French were close to not having a theoretical chance to win, so I conceded.
von Marwitz
Meuse - French Counter AttackGermans had great ROFs and 3 Critical Hits which quickly transformed the French forces into a heap of Burning Wrecks. Kydder
Taylor Made DefenseGermans coukd not crack the stone buildings. Piat eventually took out tanks. Germans should have flankedboth sides and should have moved out of range of PIATS BobMcKenna1966
Cibik's Ridge von Garvin
The Devil's Free to Have a TryVASL jrwusmc
Frozen VzvadGood German defensive setup & long marches through the Deep Snow to eventually hang-up on well positioned Wire kept Russian Victory beyond reach. Kydder
Broken ColumnInteresting scenario start with absolutely no idea where any of the Germans are setup, and only 4 half-squads initially to scout forward with. Steve setup on the left flank mostly with his 75L in the middle, and a couple of nasty surprise MG nests in village area. Unfortunately his die rolls were off, and some key ones were missed. My jeep convoy stayed in conoy formation until Turn 8 before they finally gained freedom of movement right at the bottom of the village from his last 447 holdout who flubbed his lines and was unable to close the deal at point blank several times. The British were able to exit the required VP off by the end of Turn 8. (VASL Log) Ahriman667
A Kick in the TeethWill’s attack was methodical and he relentlessly advanced even as he took casualties. I made a few dumb set up mistakes, but still manages to kill two of his tanks and force the game to come to the final close combat phase where Will took the last building he needed to win. It could have gone either way with a few different rolls, though I think overall we each got our share of good and bad rolls. Make sure you know the rules for huts before playing this one! LtDan
Maximum Aggression Bongiovanni
A Bloody WasteBad German set up and lopsided dice prompted concession on turn 3. Would try it again. wwillow

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March Madness Tournament Pack 2025
The March Madness 2025 pack is now available for sale on the Archive for $16. 6 scenarios bringing the March Madness packs up to 100 scenarios now - an amazing achievement!
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March Madness Korean War pack updated
The Encircled Productions guys have updated their pack to include errata to fix some issues with some scenarios (most of the errata is already on the site but I'm told there's a couple of small extra bits that are fixed, too).

Existing purchasers can simply re-download their pack to receive the updated version at no extra cost.
March Madness Korean War pack available for download
The March Madness Korean War pack is available for download at a cost of $20 from the shop.

8 scenarios, ranging from small to large all featuring the KW. Look out for an episode of IR focusing on this pack, shortly!
ROAR record importer
After too many requests from players, I've now added a way for you to import your playings from ROAR into the archive. The instructions can be found at the bottom of your My Page, but essentially requires you to copy and paste your playing records from your account page in ROAR into a spreadsheet, then from there into the input box.

Games aren't removed from your account but duplicates won't be added (duplicates check player name, scenario and dates).

Please do carry on using ROAR if you choose to do so, but this is being offered to players who'd like to consolidate their records here.

Latest Content Additions

Updated daily. Refresh
Surprised Gideonhoxson1 Linked the scenario to ROAR1h 29m 53s ago
The Rat Househoxson1 Linked the scenario to ROAR1h 39m 31s ago
Roads to Perditionhoxson1 Uploaded an Image1h 42m 29s ago
Roads to Perditionhoxson1 Linked the scenario to ROAR1h 44m 18s ago
Polka's DanceBongiovanni Uploaded a VASL file4h 37m 59s ago
Schmidt’s RoadblockHutch Modified the Unit Elements4h 52m 43s ago
Motoring to MogilevHutch Modified the gps location4h 53m 52s ago
Motoring to MogilevHutch Modified the misc. rules4h 54m 38s ago
Motoring to MogilevHutch Modified the misc. rules4h 55m 19s ago
Motoring to MogilevHutch Modified the Unit Elements4h 56m 54s ago
Motoring to MogilevHutch Modified the misc. rules4h 57m 21s ago
Motoring to MogilevHutch Modified the Unit Elements4h 58m 15s ago
Zone Sudhoxson1 Modified the overlays5h 12m 50s ago
Zone Sudhoxson1 Linked the scenario to ROAR5h 13m 28s ago
Zone Nordhoxson1 Linked the scenario to ROAR5h 13m 56s ago
Zone Nordhoxson1 Modified the overlays5h 14m 21s ago
Operation Florencehoxson1 Modified the overlays5h 15m 2s ago
A Maori Company Odysseyhoxson1 Modified the Attacker5h 19m 8s ago
A Maori Company Odysseyhoxson1 Modified the overlays5h 19m 37s ago
A Maori Company Odysseyhoxson1 Linked the scenario to ROAR5h 20m 3s ago
A Maori Company Odysseyhoxson1 Modified the Attacker's AFVs5h 20m 35s ago
A Maori Company Odysseyhoxson1 Modified the Attacker's Guns5h 20m 35s ago
A Maori Company Odysseyhoxson1 Modified the unit counts5h 20m 36s ago
A Maori Company Odysseyhoxson1 Modified the Attacker's AFVs5h 20m 52s ago
A Maori Company Odysseyhoxson1 Modified the unit counts5h 21m 33s ago
A Maori Company Odysseyhoxson1 Modified the Defender's Guns5h 21m 33s ago
Mortal WoundingYarlis Uploaded the Board image5h 21m 45s ago
A Maori Company Odysseyhoxson1 Modified the Defender's Guns5h 21m 46s ago
A Maori Company Odysseyhoxson1 Modified the unit counts5h 21m 47s ago
A Maori Company Odysseyhoxson1 Modified the unit counts5h 22m ago
A Maori Company Odysseyhoxson1 Modified the Defender's Guns5h 22m ago
A Maori Company Odysseyhoxson1 Modified the Title5h 24m 17s ago
Crapp Shoothoxson1 Modified the overlays5h 24m 48s ago
Crapp Shoothoxson1 Linked the scenario to ROAR5h 25m 10s ago
Crapp Shoothoxson1 Modified the Attacker's Guns5h 25m 36s ago
Crapp Shoothoxson1 Modified the unit counts5h 26m 16s ago
Crapp Shoothoxson1 Modified the Attacker's AFVs5h 26m 16s ago
The Last Attempt on Orsognahoxson1 Modified the overlays5h 27m 19s ago
The Last Attempt on Orsognahoxson1 Linked the scenario to ROAR5h 27m 37s ago
The Last Attempt on Orsognahoxson1 Modified the Attacker's Guns5h 28m 15s ago
The Last Attempt on Orsognahoxson1 Modified the unit counts5h 28m 16s ago
The Last Attempt on Orsognahoxson1 Modified the Attacker's AFVs5h 28m 52s ago
The Last Attempt on Orsognahoxson1 Modified the unit counts5h 28m 53s ago
The Last Attempt on Orsognahoxson1 Modified the Attacker's AFVs5h 29m 28s ago
The Last Attempt on Orsognahoxson1 Modified the unit counts5h 30m 20s ago
The Last Attempt on Orsognahoxson1 Modified the Attacker's AFVs5h 30m 20s ago
The Last Attempt on Orsognahoxson1 Modified the Attacker's AFVs5h 30m 32s ago
The Last Attempt on Orsognahoxson1 Modified the unit counts5h 31m 17s ago
The Last Attempt on Orsognahoxson1 Modified the Defender's Guns5h 31m 17s ago
The Last Attempt on Orsognahoxson1 Modified the unit counts5h 31m 45s ago
The Last Attempt on Orsognahoxson1 Modified the Defender's Guns5h 31m 45s ago
Attack on the Back of Orsognahoxson1 Modified the misc. rules5h 33m 51s ago
Attack on the Back of Orsognahoxson1 Modified the Attacker's Guns5h 34m 18s ago
Attack on the Back of Orsognahoxson1 Modified the unit counts5h 34m 19s ago
Attack on the Back of Orsognahoxson1 Linked the scenario to ROAR5h 36m 9s ago
Attack on the Back of Orsognahoxson1 Modified the overlays5h 36m 29s ago
Attack on the Back of Orsognahoxson1 Modified the Attacker's AFVs5h 37m 21s ago
Attack on the Back of Orsognahoxson1 Modified the unit counts5h 37m 22s ago
Attack on the Back of Orsognahoxson1 Modified the Attacker's AFVs5h 37m 31s ago
Attack on the Back of Orsognahoxson1 Modified the unit counts5h 37m 32s ago
Attack on the Back of Orsognahoxson1 Modified the Defender's AFVs5h 38m 21s ago
Attack on the Back of Orsognahoxson1 Modified the unit counts5h 38m 22s ago
Dutch CourageA_Lost_Canadian Rated the scenario5h 38m 48s ago
Dutch CourageA_Lost_Canadian Added a playing5h 38m 55s ago
Attack on the Back of Orsognahoxson1 Modified the Defender's Guns5h 40m 18s ago
Attack on the Back of Orsognahoxson1 Modified the unit counts5h 40m 19s ago
Attack on the Back of Orsognahoxson1 Modified the Defender's Guns5h 40m 41s ago
Attack on the Back of Orsognahoxson1 Modified the unit counts5h 40m 42s ago
RagnarökBlitzkriegBeast Added a playing5h 40m 58s ago
Attack on the Back of Orsognahoxson1 Modified the unit counts5h 41m 22s ago
Attack on the Back of Orsognahoxson1 Modified the Defender's Guns5h 41m 22s ago
Cibik's RidgeBlitzkriegBeast Added a playing5h 44m 13s ago
Fallschirmjager Ruckschlaghoxson1 Modified the overlays5h 45m 27s ago
Cibik's RidgeBlitzkriegBeast Rated the scenario5h 46m 20s ago
Fallschirmjager Ruckschlaghoxson1 Modified the Attacker's AFVs5h 46m 40s ago
Fallschirmjager Ruckschlaghoxson1 Modified the unit counts5h 47m 2s ago
Fallschirmjager Ruckschlaghoxson1 Modified the Attacker's AFVs5h 47m 2s ago
Fallschirmjager Ruckschlaghoxson1 Modified the Attacker's AFVs5h 47m 35s ago
Fallschirmjager Ruckschlaghoxson1 Modified the unit counts5h 47m 36s ago
Fallschirmjager Ruckschlaghoxson1 Modified the Attacker's AFVs5h 48m 5s ago
Fallschirmjager Ruckschlaghoxson1 Modified the unit counts5h 49m 8s ago
Fallschirmjager Ruckschlaghoxson1 Modified the Attacker's AFVs5h 49m 8s ago
Fallschirmjager Ruckschlaghoxson1 Modified the Attacker's AFVs5h 50m 46s ago
Fallschirmjager Ruckschlaghoxson1 Modified the unit counts5h 50m 47s ago
Fallschirmjager Ruckschlaghoxson1 Modified the Attacker's Guns5h 51m 57s ago
Fallschirmjager Ruckschlaghoxson1 Modified the unit counts5h 54m 19s ago
Fallschirmjager Ruckschlaghoxson1 Modified the Defender's Guns5h 54m 19s ago
Fallschirmjager Ruckschlaghoxson1 Modified the Defender's AFVs5h 55m 5s ago
Fallschirmjager Ruckschlaghoxson1 Modified the unit counts5h 55m 58s ago
Fallschirmjager Ruckschlaghoxson1 Modified the Defender's AFVs5h 55m 58s ago
Fallschirmjager Ruckschlaghoxson1 Modified the Defender's Guns5h 57m 17s ago
Fallschirmjager Ruckschlaghoxson1 Modified the unit counts5h 57m 32s ago
Fallschirmjager Ruckschlaghoxson1 Modified the Defender's Guns5h 57m 32s ago
Fallschirmjager Ruckschlaghoxson1 Modified the unit counts5h 58m 15s ago
Fallschirmjager Ruckschlaghoxson1 Modified the Defender's Guns5h 58m 15s ago
20 Regiment's Recon in Forcehoxson1 Modified the unit counts6h 2m 46s ago
20 Regiment's Recon in Forcehoxson1 Modified the Attacker's AFVs6h 2m 46s ago
20 Regiment's Recon in Forcehoxson1 Modified the unit counts6h 3m 24s ago
20 Regiment's Recon in Forcehoxson1 Modified the Attacker's AFVs6h 3m 24s ago
5 Brigade Takes Positionhoxson1 Uploaded an Image6h 10m 51s ago

Popular Publications

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March Madness 2017 Hollis Partisans Pack 107.77
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March Madness 2013 Commissar Pack 87.61
March Madness 2018 Players Pack 107.49
ASL Starter Kit Expansion Pack #2 87.44
Time on Target # 3 147.33
ASL Starter Kit Expansion Pack #1 2nd Edition 127.26
ASL Starter Kit #4 87.20
ASL Starter Kit Bonus Pack #2 87.20
Schwerpunkt # 9 127.19
Friendly Fire Pack 12 87.14
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Quick 6 Scenario Pack IV 67.10
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Recon by Fire! #2 107.08
Schwerpunkt #14 127.08
Race For The Meuse 67.08
Fistful of Scenarios 67.08
ASL 9 - Gung Ho! 87.07
Friendly Fire Pack 1 87.07
Battle of the Hedgerows - The Storm Broke 67.07
HASL 1 - Red Barricades 107.06
Friendly Fire Pack 2 87.05
Dezign Pak 9 107.05
From The Cellar Pack # 8 167.05
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From The Cellar Pack #11 107.03
Beyond the Beachhead 87.02
Leibstandarte Pack 5 - Scorched Earth 87.00
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Quick 6 Scenario Pack VI 67.00
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Critical Hit # 2 156.98
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ASL Journal #12 146.96
ASL Action Pack #17 Oktoberfest XXXV 166.96
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ASL Journal #10 196.94
Schwerpunkt # 4 126.93
ASL Journal #11 286.92
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Hero PAX 4: Mediterranean Theater of Operations 126.89
Friendly Fire Pack 4 106.89
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Kreta - Operation Merkur 186.87
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ASL Action Pack #16 From The Land Down Under 156.84
Classic ASL 166.83
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ASL Journal #14 256.80
ASL 16 - Twilight of the Reich 176.80
ASL Action Pack #13 Oktoberfest XXXII 116.79
AH:ASL Annual `93b 126.78
Aussie Tournament Pack 76.78
ECZ Tournament Director's Pack 166.78
Deluxe Advanced Squad Leader 386.77
ASL Journal # 5 136.76
ASL 3a - Yanks (2nd Edition) 416.76
Aussie '98 Pack 106.75
Melee Pack III 76.75
AH:ASL Annual `90 166.74
Paddington Bears '96 Pack 106.74
Fanatic Pack 2 126.74
ASL Starter Kit #3 86.74
ASL Action Pack # 3 Few Returned 126.74
ASL Action Pack # 4 Normandy 1944 126.74
BFP 3: Blood and Jungle 476.74
ASL 13 - Rising Sun 336.74
Special Ops #12 66.74
Schwerpunkt #23 126.73
HazMo Scenario Pack 4: Making the Grade 106.73
HASL 4 - Pegasus Bridge 86.72
From The Cellar Pack # 2 106.72
ASL Journal # 8 166.72
Friendly Fire Pack 7 86.72
DASL 1 - Streets of Fire 106.71
Schwerpunkt # 5: Medal of Honor 126.70
Dezign Pak 5 186.69
Rally Point # 1 106.68
Schwerpunkt #13 126.68
BFP 4: Crucible of Steel 326.68
HazMo Scenario Pack 1: A World at War 106.68
ASL Journal #13 336.68
AH:ASL Annual `95 Winter 246.67
ASL Journal # 1 176.67
ASL Journal # 3 336.67
ASL Journal # 4 136.67
Tactiques # 4 86.67
Operations Special Issue #1 66.67
Quick 6 Scenario Pack III 66.67
Quick 6 Scenario Pack V 66.67
ASL Action Pack #19 Roads to Rangoon 106.67
BFP 2: Operation Cobra 126.66
ASL 10 - Croix de Guerre 86.65
ASL 12 - Armies of Oblivion 116.65
HSASL 2 - Operation Veritable 176.65
Critical Hit # 3.1 126.65
Schwerpunkt #12 126.65
ASL Starter Kit Expansion Pack #3 86.65
ASL Starter Kit #1 66.64
Schwerpunkt #10 126.64
HASL 7 - Valor of the Guards 216.64
Dezign Pak 10 156.64
Rally Point #11 106.64
Quick 6 Scenario Pack 66.64
Schwerpunkt # 7 126.63
Rally Point #14 106.63
March Madness 2019 Close Combat Pack 86.63
From The Cellar Pack # 9 176.63
ASL Open `96 Scenario Pack 106.61
Friendly Fire Pack 10 86.61
BFP 5: Poland in Flames 456.61
ASL Action Pack #15 Swedish Volunteers 166.61
AH:ASL Annual `96 146.60
Schwerpunkt #11 126.60
Rally Point # 2 106.60
Rally Point #15 106.60
Battle for France 106.60
Blood & Iron 106.59
Schwerpunkt # 6: Victoria Cross 126.59
Schwerpunkt #20 126.59
ASL Action Pack # 2 86.58
AH:ASL Annual `92 156.58
Internet 1616.58
Leibstandarte Pack 1 - Blitzkrieg! 86.58
ASL Starter Kit #2 86.57
Recon by Fire! #3 206.57
Franc-Tireur #11 226.57
ASL 3 - Yanks 86.56
Franc-Tireur #10 116.56
ASL Action Pack # 5 East Front 126.56
ASL Action Pack # 1 86.55
Dezign Pak 1 106.55
HASL 8 - Festung Budapest 206.54
ASL Journal # 2 246.53
Kampfgruppe Scherer: The Shield of Cholm 176.53
Elite Canadians 96.53
Coastal Fortress 556.53
HASL 10a - Red Factories 186.53
ASL 5a - For King and Country 206.52
HSASL 1 - Operation Watchtower 176.52
Gembloux: The Feint 96.52
Rally Point # 3 106.52
ASL Journal # 9 256.52
HASL 2 - Kampfgruppe Peiper I 66.50
Hero PAX 3: Jungle Heroes 106.50
Melee Pack II 66.50
Dos Equis Scenarios Especial 106.50
AH:ASL Annual `97 166.49
Nor'easter XX 136.49
Winter Offensive Bonus Pack 2018 66.49
ASL 10a - Croix de Guerre 426.49
Critical Hit # 6.4 246.48
Leibstandarte Pack 2 - Barbarossa 86.48
From The Cellar Pack # 5 146.48
ASL Journal # 7 126.47
Onslaught to Orsha 256.47
ASL Starter Kit Expansion Pack #1 1st Edition 86.47
Friendly Fire Pack 5 106.46
ASL 5 - West of Alamein 86.45
Provence Pack (MMP Download) 106.45
Petsamo-Kirkenes Operation: Monkeys with Typewriters Vol.III 186.45
Blitzkrieg in the West - Central Campaign 66.45
HASL 12 - Drop Zone: Sainte-Mère-Église 146.45
AH:ASL Annual `91 166.44
G.I.'s Dozen 136.44
Beyond the Beachhead 2 166.44
ASL Action Pack # 8 Roads Through Rome 106.44
Waffen-SS II: The Fuhrer's Fireman 86.43
Rally Point # 7 106.43
Friendly Fire Pack 8 86.43
ASL 7 - Hollow Legions (2nd Edition) 86.42
ASL Journal # 6 156.42
Swedish Volunteers 146.41
ASL Action Pack # 9 To the Bridge! 106.41
Tactiques # 7 86.40
Rally Point #13 106.40
HASL 11 - Sword & Fire: Manila 306.40
Schwerpunkt #17 126.39
High Ground 2 166.38
Into The Rubble 2 126.38
Rally Point #18 106.38
Out of the Attic #2 166.37
Rivers to the Reich 156.37
Tactiques # 1 106.36
Tactiques # 8 106.36
Witches Cauldron: Oosterbeek Perimeter 166.36
Franc-Tireur #12 126.36
Schwerpunkt #16 126.35
Rally Point #20 106.35
AH:ASL Annual `89 156.34
Nor'easter Scenario Pack II 156.34
ASL 7a - Hollow Legions (3rd Edition) 546.34
ASL Action Pack #18 Oktoberfest XXXVII 146.34
Critical Hit # 4 106.33
Tropic Thunder! 126.33
Franc-Tireur #13 176.33
Rally Point #17 106.33
Quick 6 Scenario Pack II 66.33
Onslaught To Orsha 2 326.33
Franc-Tireur # 7 116.32
Franc-Tireur # 8 106.32
ASL Action Pack # 7 106.32
ASL 2 - Paratrooper (2nd Edition) 86.31
Tactiques # 6 86.31
Berlin: Red Vengeance 116.30
High Ground! 86.30
Winpak #1 106.30
The Canadians In Italy 1: The Red Patch Devils in Sunny Sicily 86.29
Covered 136.29
Dezign Pak 2 126.28
Schwerpunkt #21 126.28
Corregidor: The Rock 216.28
ASL Journal #15 116.28
ASL Action Pack #11 29 Let's Go! 106.27
BFP: Operation Neptune 106.27
ASL Action Pack #12 Oktoberfest XXX 106.26
ASL 11a - Doomed Battalions (4th Edition) 326.26
Out of the Attic 166.25
Fanatic Pack 1 126.25
Dezign Pak 4 156.25
Dezign Pak 7 126.25
Schwerpunkt #19 126.25
Rally Point #16 106.25
ASL 11 - Doomed Battalions (3rd Edition) 246.24
ASL 15 - Forgotten War 166.24
ASL 11 - Doomed Battalions (2nd Edition) 86.23
Critical Hit # 3 186.23
March Madness `97 Pack 126.23
Tactiques # 9 106.23
From The Cellar Pack # 6 106.23
Hero PAX 1: Hurtgen Hell to Bulge Nightmare 86.22
Blitzkrieg Pack 186.22
Armoured Aussie Pack 76.22
Tactiques # 2 106.21
Out of the Bunker 146.21
ASL 14 - Hakkaa Päälle! 176.21
HASL 10b - Red October 116.21
ASL 4 - Partisan! 86.20
Rally Point # 8 106.20
Internet: MMP 66.19
Recon by Fire! #4 146.19
Schwerpunkt #15 126.17
Rally Point # 6 106.17
Rally Point # 9 106.17
Franc-Tireur #15 226.14
SASL 1 - Solitaire ASL (2nd Edition) 216.11
The Canadians In Italy 2: The Spaghetti League 126.09
Franc-Tireur #14 326.09
Schwerpunkt # 3 126.08
Buckeyes! 106.07
From The Cellar Pack # 7 106.07
Schwerpunkt # 2 126.06
ASL 8 - Code of Bushido 86.04
Leibstandarte Pack 4 - Turning of the Tide! 86.04
Schwerpunkt #18 126.04
Waffen-SS I: No Quarter No Glory! 66.02
HASL 3 - Kampfgruppe Peiper II 86.00
Backblast # 2 86.00
Recon by Fire! #1 86.00
Objective: Schmidt 176.00
ASL 1 - Beyond Valor (1st Edition) 106.00
ASL 6 - The Last Hurrah (2nd Edition) 85.99
Rally Point #21 105.98
Dezign Pak 8 105.94
HASL 5 - Blood Reef: Tarawa 105.93
The Canadians In Italy 3: D-Day Dodgers 105.91
Schwerpunkt # 1 125.91
Dezign Pak 3 155.90
Blitzkrieg in the West - Northern Campaign 65.90
HASL 6 - A Bridge Too Far 125.88
Paddington Bears '97 Pack 85.88
Time on Target # 1 135.86
Hero PAX 2: Eastern Front Hero Fest 85.83
Time on Target # 2 215.83
Deluxe Pack #1 125.82
From The Cellar Pack #12 115.82
Wacht Am Rhein 165.81
Southern Cross Scenario Pack `96 65.80
ASLOK 2005 - 20th Anniversary Scenario Pack 105.71
Rally Point # 5 105.71
DASL 2 - Hedgerow Hell 85.70
Winpak #2 65.68
ASL For Fun-LCP 325.68
Melee Pack I 65.63
All American I: Kellam's Bridge 105.52
Leibstandarte Pack 3 - Clash at Kharkov! 85.48
Panzer Aces 65.42
Shingle's List 85.42
Hell's Highway 65.35
Firefights! 65.26
Guerra Civil: The Spanish Civil War 125.20
The Long March 175.16
Soldiers of the Negus 84.93

Top rated players

As of March 26, 2025. Grey players are inactive. Filter Active: View all
1Dmitry Klyuykov1501431
2fabrizio da pra1671400
3Paul Works3941310
4Stefan Fiedler391307
5Paolo Cariolato8431303
6Philippe Briaux391278
7Justin DiSabatino
8Steven Linton511259
9Aaron Cleavin791254
10Craig Benn481243
11Indy Lagu
12Aaron Sibley2751228
13Gordon Jupp4281223
14patrick palma5351219
15Tommi Kangasmaa481218
16Sam Tyson321218
17Paul Messina581216
18jon smith561216
19Carl Nogueira261215
20M T991214
21David Stoffey401209
22Michael Focht771208
23Brian Wiersma281204
24Dave Mareske
25John Garlic12171197
26Martin Mayers1001196
27Simon Staniforth
28S. Slunt851194
29Will Fleming251191
30Jeff B8421190
31Steven Pleva201189
32randy shurtz681184
33Vilis Pavulans1491173
34Mark McG221172
35L Mattila571168
36Spencer Armstrong571167
37Kevin Sanders1211163
38Curtis Brooks251163
39Rich Weiley
40John Garlic971160
41Lionel Colin721160
42Rich Domovic551159
43B-E Karlsson1251158
44Jobbo Fett
45Mark Moore291154
46Ben Jones201153
47nathan wegener6791153
48Andreas R691152
49Scott Fischbein1071150
50Paul Sidhu191149
51Robert Wolkey191149
52Jeff Sewall291148
53Michael Augustine201148
54Sean Mitchell251147
55Tom Kearney5411146
56Martin Vicca271145
57Xavier Vitry121144
58César Moreno451144
59davide galloni1411142
60Alex Koestler671141
61Igor Luckyanov371141
62Ron Duenskie171138
63Alessandro Demichelis321138
64Eric Partizan Eric15481138
65Raoul Duke1011137
66X von Marwitz4221136
67Scott Hasson241135
68John Boyle381135
69John O'Reilly171134
70Gerard Burton1851132
71Derek Ritter241132
72Melvin Falk101131
73david ginnard281130
74Tony Fermendzin411130
75Tom Weniger91126
76Andrew Young171126
77Eric Topp
78martin barker
79Gerry Proudfoot241126
80Steve Bowen441125
81Don Lazov921125
82stan jackson361125
83Hugh Harvey481121
84Andy Hershey6141119
85Miguel Guerrero91117
86Gary Fortenberry151117
87Jon Jaramillo451117
88P-J Palmer121116
89fabio aliprandi931115
90Björn Lorenzen151115
91Bob Callen521113
92JP Laurio2261113
93Enrico Catanzaro221113
94Bruno NITROSSO131111
95Chris Mazzei171109
96Juhani Bonsdorff111108
97Jim Bishop
98Larry Rohlfing1831108
99Jim Thompson281107
100J. R. Tracy141107

Newest players - welcome!

MACHETERobert Arrieta2025-03-23 17:15:37
eespin77eduardo espino2025-03-21 05:51:07
bedouxeGorret Michael2025-03-18 16:23:58

On this day...

A 23 Contest in the CloudsPlateau Glieres, France1944
DASL A10 The Tiger of ToungooToungoo, Burma1942
A 53 Smith & WestonNear Warong, Burma1944
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