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Didn't Have to Be There
Crickets in SpringGermans able to infiltrate Russian positions and fight through piecemeal.
Sweeping West Cpl Wright
Not Much of a Soldier wwillow
Ambitious Assault andersb80
Angry BeesAmericans won by amassing 51 CVP on their Turn 6, thereby denying the Germans a victory. Completely forgot about the pre-game Bombardment the Germans get. After the fact ran a quick simulation and it really would not have done much to affect the game I played.

Battle was swinging back and forth and the American OBA did destroy a Mark IV and a StuG G (this last with a CH securing the victory). Also, the initial German thrust from the SE was held up by an initial accurate OBA that decimated the Mark IV and broke many squads and HS. German Tigers and Panthers were able to destroy all the American armor less a single Sherman with a Disabled Gun, at the loss of one Panther. The German assault on the village was able to secure 10 buildings before the CVP was reached, falling nine buildings short.

Nice scenario. Two part Log file(s). (VASL Log)
Breaching the Devil's PlaygroundEntered about half of my force on turn 2. Should have been more aggressive. Lost a T-34 to an ATG and 8-1 KIA to a shrek. But my luck turned and I got 2 heroes and a CH on the other ATG and Cc’d his Pz4. All in all a lot of firepower for the Hungarians to stop. Fun playing the Russians. nebel
The Puma ProwlsAs the Russians, my plan was to send 3 AFVs off to the board edge exit and setup the two Armor Leaders near the southern exit point to try and kill one Puma and then run away. While a great plan in theory, my plan didn't include malfing both MAs, one on an ACQ shot to acquire the exit hex and the other on an IF shot. Three shots total, 2 MALFS. One managed to get his MA back and take out a Puma, but the other permanently broke the MA and spent the next two turns playing a game of cat and mouse with the Pumas that I eventually lost. Final tally, Anthony's Germans 8, My Russians 7. Fun scenario but I told him before we started it could be dicey. The Germans, on the other hand, took like 25 MA shots without breaking an MA. tatumjonj
Cold Crocodiles antro
Angry BeesAnother win for the Americans due to destroying so many German tanks (3 from Baz shots, and the other four from the TDs, a 57L AT, and a Sherman). American win by amassing 50 CVP thereby denying the German VC.

American Spotter was KIA when his Steeple location rubbled due to the Bombardment, which was only marginally effective...though a 57L AT gun was also destroyed. Initial German assault came from the SE, while the SS engaged from the NE, trying to close the noose on the Americans. Unfortunately they came up short.
Hoppers and Hardy wwillow
Lost Opportunities jwert02
The Last Fifteen Cuddles McDeath
The Almost MenNot a beginners scenario. With Night, HASL rules, OBA, and chrome, there is a lot of rule dives. The Convoy rules on the narrow roads is cool, but tedious. Bad luck with the American OBA resulted in nothing more than a SR on board (malfunction, red card, broken observer). Skorzeny's SS took out a Firefly and made it into the Notre Dame De Dinant. Turn 7 the Germans mopped up the church and flooded the building with troops. The Americans did not have enough to evict the Germans and called the game on the bottom of turn 7. Defiantly worth playing.
Into the FrayBadly misplayed by the Germans, was able to dislodge the Poles and push them back, but not before taking too many casualties to achieve victory. cupcakus
The Story of Easy Company: Frères d’arme – 4 jacelm
Tigers of Pantang asloser
A Cross in GoldThe Germans set up in strength to delay in the woods on right with JgPzVI on hills in center left able to assist defense. Americans tried to punch through woods road with combined arms assault, but Germans were able to knock out three AFVs with Panxerschreck, Panzerfaust, and JgdPz VI during first turn which really set Americans back. The hits were all very fortuitous. Americans continued to push, but Germans were able to swarm another two AFvs which broke the American assault.

VASL League
Ambush on South Knob
Take The Crossroads Serge
Hoepner's Edict Dispang12
Ivanovskii Lorenzoknight
Frank's Tanks Danno
Frank's TanksI personally hate the "advance across open ground" scenarios. Never much fun for the attacker. My attack managed to break through the K15-K16 Russian MLR. But then the 57LL AT Gun knocked out a STUG and then CRIT Hit a Panther and knocked it out. Pretty much game over that point since I then had to take 13 buildings...but wait the Russians would attack with their T-34's and knock out another I need an impossible 14 buildings to win. Stupid if you want my opinion. At Game end the T-34's were gone and the Germans had taken 10 buildings with 2 more in Close Combat, both of which ended in Melee. Even if I had won the Close Combats i would still be two buildings short of victory. grumblejones
Going in LightI setup the Germans in the compound with one HS way outside to prevent a run-around. The Americans setup two forces, one on each side. Turn 1, the German HMG took out the American 9-2 kill stack--that took out one flanks of the American force. Three American MTRs in the back, behind hedgerows, pounded with a 9-ROF tear to no avail. The MTRs were punished as a few successful sniper attacks took out the other two the American MTRs. The big German MTR was in the center OG hex in the compound using a spotter on the 2nd floor. The German MTR only got off two shots, both missed. The German HMG kept the second American force at bay. By American turn three the Americans only had two GO squads and it was called.

In short, the German HMG is critical to defense and the American 9-2 kill stack is critical to break the Germans and allow for an assault. The German MTR can only do so much with reduced ROF with a spotter, which I think is necessary in this setup as the spotter can remain concealed for shots against it.

So it comes down to the German HMG vs American 9-2 kill stack. First one to go helps the other side tremendously--though not a guarantee.
Blood and BrineBoth players bid 7VP. Steve got the Germans. Brits were able to pull back into the hotel in good order. acfe
Mortal WoundingGermans misplaced the big thumper and was not able to get an effective hit on anyone. the Germans slowly whittled away and the Americans got the last building on the last turn. dmareske
City on the Edge Bongiovanni
Counterattack at CarentanMarder and 2 StuG successfully exploited trail-break on American right flank by German Turn 2 (accompanied by 6-5-8s/swarm of 3-4-8 HS) and LMG-toting 5-4-8s and StuH moved up middle to interdict re-positioning enemy forces. By German Turn 3, DC-toting 7-0 eliminated 57AT which sealed the game. Tough one for Americans IMHO if German tanks avoid BoGs and screen exit run with MA and SD SMOKE. Thompsonmg(MGT)
Quickly Toward the Bridge! Danno
Quickly Toward the Bridge!Tough battle for both sides. Early German breaks kept three German squads out of the game for the duration. Meanwhile the Russians were beat down to a single squad, MMG and 8-1 leader holding the village. Both Russian tanks were knocked. On Turn 5, the German infantry were mission killed, so a Panther made a run at the bridge. I had four chances to pass my Task Check...I rolled an 11, a 9, and a 10 before finally making my lost chance. I then rolled snakes for a game winning 7 KIA and no more bridge. grumblejones
Osasto Björkman RJenulis
Gavin Take manzoliandrea72
Konrad ThreeNice scenario.
We played 2 vs 1, each German player targeting one bridge.
Flanked AgainTough one for the Americans. I couldn't hold back the flank attack from the NK hordes - I suppose the name gives it away!

As featured on IR111
Death of the PorcupineChallenging for the Free French but a very tense scenario Bongiovanni
Brasche EncounterFrench Sniper was hot in this one, taking out the German 9-2 Heroic Ldr before his HOB upgrade had any effect, and subsequently taking out the German Hero too. French had some bad luck with equipment, losing one AC to a Recall, and losing another LMG. Germans were able to chase off the French pickets and grab a FH early on, destroying the remaining AC with a CH. French tried to regain the Bridge but the MC's proved too tough from the German Defensive fire in the last turn. Tigernaut
First Timers lokatt
Bridge to Nowhere rangercote
Drava Epic Danno
Drava EpicNot sure that I liked or greatly disliked this scenario. I found it hard as the Germans. I made a little progress on Turn 1, but suffered for it with a broken 8-0 and 4 x broken squads. I moved forward into the village in time for Dan's MKIV to put a serious hurt on me The MKIV would break nearly all my attackers trying to get into position for a 1 Hex range Panzerfaust shot. I made a Hero and sent him after the tank, but Dan got a Crit hit and wasted him along with a squad. On Turn 3, Dan tried to move the MKIV and I got him with a faust. But his Russians came on just as I was taking the church victory location. The game would end in CC in the L6 building. I would lose and that was game. A Panzerschreck would have been nice...just say'n. Dan and I missed the errata that is should have been 1945...what a difference that would have made for my Panzerfausting...I was robbed!!! :) grumblejones
Bridge Over the River QueenRussians did not implement the Bayonet Charge but still managed to MOL their way to victory. Kydder
The Marco Polo Bridge Incident cupcakus
The Clearing cupcakus
Executed Now Serge
Taking the Left Tit galletto
The Doomed and the Damned wwillow
Finale: OnhayeIt was a bit of a slog to get the win ... came all the way down to last CCPh. The only way I managed the win was by making an enemy Leader in upper level go Berserk and then charge my GL units on final French turn ... otherwise he could have simply sat put and held the building for the win. Good luck alone wins again! Kydder
An Uncommon Occurrence GOUREAU
Hill 424Looks tough on the Americans. wwillow
Road Kill toffee
Last Desperate GambleEnjoyable scenario with the Americans attempting to hold mid-field and the main village. The Rocket OBA was harsh and usual ASL enjoyment of falling rubble and DC's made for a tough fight there. German attack was steady and the US just slowly folded under the fire ending in Turn 9. jwert02
Damnation Game asloser
Return of the Black Company Cpl Wright
Long Range ReconRussians had the 31 VP needed for the win but the German counter attack brought their VP to 32+ to deny the Russian win. Kydder
Vogt's RitterkreuzDutch drew two red chits & lost OBA straight away. Vulnerable AC kept defenders occupied with 2/3 loses while the Infantry steadily crept forward. Slow & steady brought the Germans to victory. Kydder
The Marco Polo Bridge IncidentI started the game with two banzai charges which immediately captured a couple buildings. I made slow progress for the first couple turns but once I broke his MMG stack I was able to run wild and capture the requisite number of buildings plus captured a few prisoners and keep my armor out of harms way. The last couple turns I really diced Chris to the point where I was apologizing for my rolls. I'm not an experienced Japanese player so this was a great starting point to learn the mechanics of that nationality but in an urban setting instead of jungle. Pretty fun scenario another great product from our friends from the North. tatumjonj
Real Men Stay in SchoolHighly unbalanced. Ireneusz
The Pillbox Ireneusz
The Last Day of the CuneenseThe Italians tried a central approach, but was stopped by the partisans in the central building which battle hardened and generator a hero. After the substantial cavalry reinforcement arrived, the scenario was as good as over. Very unbalanced dice made this playing even harder on the Italians than the card would suggest. oybj
Second Hand NewsVery interesting scenario, we really liked it. The Germans took the win, but it was close - one successful Molotov roll against a StuG could have changed the game. Recommended! ASLSKGwahlur
A New Kind of CavalryThe Polish tanks trundled along and would eventually succeed in getting two examples off-board thanks to some lucky shots, but they left a trail of dead FT-17 carcasses in the streets of the village, harassed and decimated by many a successful (1)PAATC checks and subsequent great CC rolls (with the Street Fighting bonus).

Hard to recommend, but unique enough to pique your interest.
The Dead and the DyingFun scenario. atomic
Retaking ViervilleEasy American win strategos
Led to the Slaughter asloser
Ready or Not A scenario where the real objective is to prevent the North Koreans to achieve automatic victory by turn 4 if they gain control of 4 or more multihex buildings else the Americans need to escape the city and exit at least 6 VP. This provides a lot of opportunities for both sides. The NK pushed to control a maximum of multihex buildings but they only get 2 by the end of turn 4. The US troops began to retreat but this proved difficult as they were scattered and pursued by the enemy. They tried to rush for exit but failed as the NK were able to close every way out. A good replayable scenario. lt_steiner
The Last Fire Mission jwert02
Not Much of a Soldier igycrctl
Lightning JoeGame came down to the very end, with a single American Crew dying to a failed MC (rolled a 12), putting the German CVP at 43, 1 more than required to deny the Americans. Very good scenario I found, though the American OBA proved completely useless, despite the Pleva OBA rule. In addition both German Panthers Immobilized when they attempted to start, so it could have been much worse for the Americans. (VASL Log) Ahriman667
Melting Pottight game down to last CC ambush roll. Single German leader escaped CC via ambush to maintain control of the 4th building. Interesting game as the TDs are powerful but vulnerable. Once the Brits have a good foothold in the village it is tough to stop them had just enough good rolls early to slow him down. nebel
Asia's Stalingrad A15.4er
Desperate Try wwillow
Priests at St. Cloud wwillow
Infantry Probe at Argentan RJenulis
Out of CowardiceSeems pretty tough on Hungarians given time limits and forces. Yugoslavian ELR rough, but in this case immobilized Afvs skewed the fight.
Courland CutoffMy Russians struggled throughout this scenario to do much of anything. My dice were very bad most of the night. I did manage to knock out a Hetzer and both halftracks, but lost an IS-2 and 2 of my T-34's. One of my few snakes rubbled a victory location and thus it was no longer a victory location. I would ELR 5 squads with 2 of those disrupted. I would end the game with only 3 locations, since I rubbled one of them. grumblejones
Courland Cutoff Danno
Aussie Spirit PeterA
Elephants UnleashedGreat scenario. However I ignore the left flank at a certain dgree. It caused Soviet's tanks can successfully Interspersed and surrounded my Ferdinands. Four of my vehicles destroyed makes decide to throw in the towel so that Soviet Red Army won this game. Gabriel2025
Ten-Ton TankRootin got far too lucky with his rallies and morale checks! I shake my fist at thee!

It's hard to appreciate a scenario when it locks in a lot of pivotal decisions, especially ones that then allow for the attacker to plan around any contingencies. Having an AT gun and your artillery forcibly looking at a bad hex is a hard sell on enjoying the scenario, and its worse when you realize that the AT Guns need to be protected at all cost unless you want to reduce the victory conditions (of 4 squads on/west of hexrow X) by 2 for each destroyed Gun. And that's before any tanks get off-board, further reducing that requirement.

Essentially, through bad luck or good planning, you could simply avoid the victory condition entirely, blow up 2 AT guns and viola, game over. Play it once on each side, if you have to, then forget about it.
Jungle RatsVery enjoyable scenario. I played as the British and selected the group with the hero and the DC. The attack went well but the Japanese put up a good fight and, though surrounded on 3 sides, ended up in control of building J6. Will definitely play again. Djord
Then Came the Inferno Bongiovanni
Panther CullFor FNF. Quite fun and a challenge for the Allies. von Garvin
Tracing GiantsFirst to play and post. Danno
Tracing GiantsFun scenario. Germans had early success and knocked out four of the SU-152's early. But then one Tiger malf'd its MA and then was recalled. The MKIV's held their own, but on Turn 3, the Russians counter-attacked and knocked out both MKIV's and a Tiger. That left only the Tiger with the 9-1. He managed to get a final kill for the win with 5 x SU-152's knocked out. Dan and I reviewed potential changes and felt the German infantry platoon should probably have an MMG instead of an LMG, so that they could potentially paint more targets. They assisted in two tank kills by painting two of the SU-152's. grumblejones
Out of Cowardice A15.4er
The Five Pound PrizeGood scenario, but like a lot of smaller ones, a minor mistake in set-up can really affect the whole game. Because the British set up is pretty restricted, you have to really be careful about holding key positions, but be flexible enough to react to the German attack, either to retreat or counter-attack. The obvious place for the Germans to attack is from the south-west of the stream. They have high morale and firepower, so they are going to be able to concentrate their attack and push back the British no matter what you do. The most important thing is to not allow them to flank your forces on the west side of the stream (it happened to me and I got wiped out). Therefore, a key location is 22J2. Be sure to station a PIAT or LMG there to guard against tanks with riders. Obvious places for the guns are 22L3 (or 22K3) and in one of the orchard hexes by the river. Don't forget the Carrier can fire a PIAT. Keep calm and carry on, as no matter what happens the British will probably have to counter-attack to retake some buildings from the Germans at the end. Overall a good scenario without crazy SSRs and a pretty good board with some tricky LOS. LtDan
No Monumental AcclaimThe Germans spread out across the board to cover all avenues of the American approach, choosing buildings with long sight lines to make it hard for the Americans to advance and delay the attack on building P2 as long as possible. A few key events made their defenses collapse sooner than expected; the German MMG malf'd on the first time firing and broke on repair and the Americans passed MCs at an above average rate. The Americans advanced across the board with a stronger force on the left flank, breaking and eliminating Germans to avoid any late rallies that may have let the Germans take back buildings to the rear. By the bottom of turn 5, the Americans had met the VC. Turuk
Guerra RelámpagoWasn't aggressive enough with the armor. Didn't use the trucks effectively. Opponent focused on eliminating my infantry. Nice little scenario. wwillow
Geronimo!Called the game on Turn 5 as the Americans only had 30 CVP on the board plus an MA malf'ed M36. Everything else was KIA which meant that it was likely that they could not meet the >=30 Exit VP unless they started taking prisoners, which they were in no position to do. The King Tiger actually was CR'd from a 2MC and Recalled, however it rolled a 12 on start up becoming immobilized, and was thus able to take out the last fully functioning M36.

I think the American should probably prioritise the infantry as targets for the 90L M36 (16 IFT) rather than the King Tiger if possible. Even a lucky APCR shot against the HD King Tiger failed to pen with an 11 TK DR (needed a 9 or less). I think this scenario will be difficult for the Americans. (VASL Log)
Bad Luck Bongiovanni
Go Big or Go Home
The Bloody RagFirst to play and post. Danno
The Bloody RagFun and silly scenario that followed the comic somewhat. Little Sure Shot did his thing and helped strip concealments and HIP on a couple of occasions. The initial Germans went Fanatic upon seeing the flag, but not berserk which gave them a little punch. Sgt. Rock would go heroic and be a dominating force on the field. Once Rock killed the 2-3-7's and 7-0, he wielded the captured German LMG as they moved on towards the bridge. Once again the German 8-1, LMG and 2 x 5-4-8's went Fanatic, while a third 5-4-8 went Berserk and was absolutely cut to pieces charging Rock. But as the game progressed, Bull Dozer was KIA'd, then Little Sure Shot was shot dead and finally Wildman was KIA'd. As the fanatic Germans fell back, they lost another squad, but the 8-1 and 5-4-8 with LMG continued to hang on, and then took out two more half-squads, which reduced the available American EVP to 6 and thus a German win. Ended up being a fun scenario. Dan and I went through and made some necessary edits to rules and to some setup notes. But overall, it played like a comic should. grumblejones
The Legrew Maneuver manzoliandrea72
City on the EdgeRisky early moves paid off for the Germans. US did a lot of cowering. wwillow
The Shan Capital wwillow
The Niscemi-Biscari Highway Bongiovanni
Bridge Over the River QueenGiven LV, and in our case spreading fires, this was very much a CC game with Russians able to move up quickly and overwhelm Germans in CC.
Montgomery AttacksMisplayed the British reinforcements, and left them open for annihilation from the German reinforcements that arrived in their Turn 3. By game end the British had two of the four required buildings, and were seriously threatening a third, however three PF shots later two of the Shermans were brewed up and this put the Germans at 40CVP, thus denying the British VC. If the German Panthers had been delayed till turn 4 it might have proved a different outcome. Also, the British rolled very poorly on Turn 1 for WP/SMOKE, which didn't provide enough cover from the rearward German 81mm Mtrs. (VASL Log) Ahriman667

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March Madness Korean War pack available for download
The March Madness Korean War pack is available for download at a cost of $20 from the shop.

8 scenarios, ranging from small to large all featuring the KW. Look out for an episode of IR focusing on this pack, shortly!
ROAR record importer
After too many requests from players, I've now added a way for you to import your playings from ROAR into the archive. The instructions can be found at the bottom of your My Page, but essentially requires you to copy and paste your playing records from your account page in ROAR into a spreadsheet, then from there into the input box.

Games aren't removed from your account but duplicates won't be added (duplicates check player name, scenario and dates).

Please do carry on using ROAR if you choose to do so, but this is being offered to players who'd like to consolidate their records here.
Reports and statistics
I've added a replica of the roar balance report (based on archive plays) underneath reports -> balance, on the left hand menu and some statistics charts, too.

Want to see how many games have been logged and when? Are we playing more now than we did 3 years ago? What about the year when the most scenarios were published? Or are games played with vasl more regularly than ftf?

All this and a little bit more on the statistics page (found on the left hand side under reports).
Map page and new search options
The Maps link on the left hand nav bar takes you to a maps page that provides the opportunity to search the maps via names and tags. The maps that don't have images will slowly get updated, and those who have admin rights can add tags to help scenario designers and players filter maps by a set of tags, such as Rural, City, Stream, etc.

You can update your map collection, in order to search by maps owned on the advanced search, by ticking the boxes on this page which should automatically update your map collection. The button that is on this page takes all publications that you own and adds the maps that are listed on those into your collection.

As always, a big thanks to those who help populate this data!
Map data update
The way maps are stored under-the-hood has been changed. Previously maps were simply strings of text that were split into map_strings and added to the scenario. They weren't really unique map rows, which meant that there could be duplicates with similar names, and it wasn't really feasible to do nicer things with them, like attach images to them, or work out which publications they were from.

This has changed now, and the data has been ported across to the new map objects. All that's missing is the publication->map data, ie, which publications have which maps!

For those that like to edit and update these things, it's now possible to enter the maps for each publication (by logging in and editing the publication page and adding the maps). If we can get a good set of this data we can do things like "show me scenarios that I own the maps for" and other module dependencies for scenarios.

I've not done the same for overlays, because it seems a bit more of an overhead, but in theory it would be possible, but maybe a bit too much effort.

Finally - you can now hover over the map values within the scenarios and publication pages (if the maps have been added to them yet) to see a map preview. If the map image isn't there yet, it might need updating, but the standard ones should all work - I think!

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Rolling Thunderaokigaryou Linked the scenario to ROAR2h 54m 47s ago
Sweeping WestCpl Wright Added a playing3h 21m 50s ago
Centauro and SandHutch Modified the overview7h 21m 33s ago
Addio ArrieteHutch Modified the Unit Elements7h 27m ago
Addio ArrieteHutch Modified the Attacker7h 27m 34s ago
Addio ArrieteHutch Modified the overview7h 28m 37s ago
Crickets in SpringHutch Modified the misc. rules7h 42m 33s ago
Crickets in Added a playing7h 59m 44s ago
Folgore ConsolidatedHutch Modified the overview8h 14m 20s ago
Maranzani’s MissionHutch Modified the overview9h 18m 28s ago
The Daring OnesHutch Modified the overview9h 28m 26s ago
Espirito InaspettatoHutch Modified the overview9h 39m 3s ago
Didn't Have to Be ThereHutch Modified the misc. rules9h 45m 8s ago
Espirito InaspettatoHutch Modified the overview10h 39m 58s ago
Lazarus WilsonHutch Modified the overview10h 44m 28s ago
Didn't Have to Be Added a playing10h 57m 20s ago
Tenacious TakikawaHutch Modified the overview11h 3m 31s ago
Tenacious TakikawaHutch Modified the gps location11h 11m 50s ago
Manila MadnessHutch Modified the overview11h 17m 38s ago
Manila MadnessHutch Modified the misc. rules11h 22m 32s ago
Plugged by VlugHutch Modified the overview11h 23m 49s ago
The Story of Easy Company: Frères d’arme – 4jacelm Added a playing12h 18m 36s ago
Herman's HeaterHutch Modified the misc. rules12h 33m 33s ago
Cadets at the CrossroadsHutch Modified the misc. rules12h 43m 13s ago
Changsha ChainsawHutch Modified the misc. rules12h 44m 29s ago
Herman's HeaterHutch Modified the overview12h 47m 32s ago
Herman's HeaterHutch Modified the misc. rules12h 57m 30s ago
The Nut Lane BlockhouseHutch Modified the overview13h 19m 46s ago
Foiled at FrénouvilleDave Added a playing15h 40m 20s ago
Flanked AgainDave Added a playing15h 42m 43s ago
Drame LibanaisHutch Modified the misc. rules16h 21m 2s ago
Prothero's HookHutch Modified the unit counts16h 22m 34s ago
Prothero's HookHutch Modified the Defender's Guns16h 22m 34s ago
Prothero's HookHutch Modified the unit counts16h 23m 17s ago
Prothero's HookHutch Modified the Attacker's Guns16h 23m 17s ago
Prothero's HookHutch Modified the overlays16h 24m 21s ago
Prothero's HookHutch Modified the Unit Elements16h 25m 24s ago
Prothero's HookHutch Modified the Unit Elements16h 25m 43s ago
Prothero's HookHutch Modified the Unit Elements16h 26m 35s ago
Prothero's HookHutch Modified the Unit Elements16h 27m 40s ago
Prothero's HookHutch Modified the overview16h 31m 41s ago
Prothero's HookHutch Modified the misc. rules16h 32m 28s ago
Prothero's HookHutch Modified the misc. rules16h 33m 22s ago
Drame Libanaisaokigaryou Linked the scenario to ROAR17h 7m 51s ago
Ambitious Assaultandersb80 Added a playing17h 24m 32s ago
Ambitious Assaultandersb80 Rated the scenario17h 26m 48s ago
Rolling Thunderaokigaryou Linked the scenario to ROAR19h 11m 12s ago
Absolut MärkäjärviJobbo_Fett Linked the scenario to ROARYesterday
Not Much of a Soldierwwillow Added a playingYesterday
Commanding From the BridgeHutch Modified the overviewYesterday
The Vienna BypassHutch Modified the overviewYesterday
Death's Head DenouementHutch Modified the overviewYesterday
The Vienna BypassHutch Modified the overviewYesterday
Death's Head DenouementHutch Modified the overviewYesterday
The Muzsla NooseHutch Modified the overviewYesterday
Aufklärungs AttackHutch Modified the overviewYesterday
Beggar LiceHutch Modified the overviewYesterday
Then Came the InfernoHutch Modified the overviewYesterday
HühnersuppeHutch Modified the overviewYesterday
Foiled at FrénouvilleHutch Modified the overviewYesterday
Foiled at FrénouvilleHutch Modified the locationYesterday
Foiled at FrénouvilleHutch Modified the TitleYesterday
Scorched SnowHutch Modified the overviewYesterday
Into the Fraycupcakus Added a playingYesterday
Tirailleurs CounterattackHutch Modified the overviewYesterday
Ragged GuardHutch Modified the overviewYesterday
Fused At ZeroHutch Modified the overviewYesterday
King and LoveHutch Modified the overviewYesterday
The Last KnightHutch Modified the overviewYesterday
Fused At ZeroHutch Modified the overviewYesterday
Alles Hat Ein EndeHutch Modified the overviewYesterday
The Erft EffortHutch Modified the overviewYesterday
King and LoveHutch Modified the unit countsYesterday
King and LoveHutch Modified the Attacker's GunsYesterday
The Erft EffortHutch Modified the Defender's GunsYesterday
The Erft EffortHutch Modified the unit countsYesterday
The Erft EffortHutch Modified the unit countsYesterday
The Erft EffortHutch Modified the Defender's GunsYesterday
The Last KnightHutch Modified the misc. rulesYesterday
The Last KnightHutch Modified the overviewYesterday
Mortal Woundingdmareske Added a playingYesterday
Muscled Out of TownHutch Modified the overviewYesterday
Golden PheasantsHutch Modified the misc. rulesYesterday
Raid on GrohoteHutch Modified the misc. rulesYesterday
Raid on GrohoteHutch Modified the overviewYesterday
Raid on GrohoteHutch Modified the gps locationYesterday
Road Killtoffee Added a playingYesterday
Red LightningHutch Modified the locationYesterday
Red LightningHutch Modified the gps locationYesterday
Red LightningHutch Modified the Unit ElementsYesterday
Unexpected FireHutch Modified the misc. rulesYesterday
Unexpected FireHutch Modified the Unit ElementsYesterday
Unexpected FireHutch Modified the overviewYesterday
Unexpected FireHutch Modified the Unit ElementsYesterday
Unexpected FireHutch Modified the gps locationYesterday
Unexpected FireBongiovanni Linked the scenario to ROARYesterday
Red LightningBongiovanni Linked the scenario to ROARYesterday
Raid on GrohoteBongiovanni Linked the scenario to ROARYesterday
Golden Pheasantsaokigaryou Linked the scenario to ROARYesterday
Raiders of the ChacoHutch Modified the Unit Elements2 days ago

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From The Cellar Pack # 4 207.12
Quick 6 Scenario Pack IV 67.10
ASL 9 - Gung Ho! 87.08
Fistful of Scenarios 67.08
The Green Hell of Inor 197.08
Friendly Fire Pack 1 87.07
Battle of the Hedgerows - The Storm Broke 67.07
HASL 1 - Red Barricades 107.06
Friendly Fire Pack 2 87.05
Dezign Pak 9 107.05
From The Cellar Pack # 8 167.05
Beyond the Beachhead 87.02
ASL Action Pack #14 Oktoberfest XXXIV 127.02
March Madness 2020 Full Rulebook ASL Pack 87.02
Ost Front Pack 67.00
Leibstandarte Pack 5 - Scorched Earth 87.00
HazMo Scenario Pack 2: The Un-Civil Wars 107.00
From The Cellar Pack #11 107.00
Quick 6 Scenario Pack VI 67.00
Critical Hit # 2 156.98
Best of Friends 126.98
ASL Action Pack #10 86.97
Battles of Carpiquet 136.96
Friendly Fire Pack 9 86.96
ASL Journal #12 146.96
Race For The Meuse 66.96
ASL 1 - Beyond Valor (3rd Edition) 246.94
ASL Action Pack #17 Oktoberfest XXXV 166.94
Schwerpunkt # 4 126.93
ASL Journal #10 196.93
From The Cellar Pack # 3 106.91
ASL Journal #11 286.91
Friendly Fire Pack 4 106.90
Friendly Fire Pack 6 86.90
Generic Playtesting Log 376.90
AH:ASL Annual `93a 116.89
Hero PAX 4: Mediterranean Theater of Operations 126.89
Into The Rubble 86.89
Friendly Fire Pack 11 86.89
ASL 12 - Armies of Oblivion (2nd Edition) 326.89
Friendly Fire Pack 3 86.88
Kreta - Operation Merkur 186.88
ASL Action Pack #19 Roads to Rangoon 106.88
Operations Special Issue #3 76.87
China-Burma-India: The Lost Theater Part 1 156.87
Not One Step Back 86.87
Grossdeutschland Pack 1 - The Early Years 86.86
HASL 9 - Hatten in Flames 106.86
Death to Fascism 86.86
ASL 13 - Rising Sun (2021) 386.86
Dezign Pak 6 126.85
ASL Action Pack # 6 A Decade of War 106.83
Schwerpunkt #22 126.83
ASL Action Pack #16 From The Land Down Under 156.83
ASL 16 - Twilight of the Reich 176.83
Classic ASL 166.82
Recon by Fire! #2 106.81
Schwerpunkt # 8 126.81
Turning the Tide 206.81
ASL Journal #14 256.81
Best of Friends 2 126.80
Paddington Bears '96 Pack 106.79
Deluxe Advanced Squad Leader 386.79
HazMo Scenario Pack 3: City of Steel 106.79
AH:ASL Annual `93b 126.78
Aussie '98 Pack 106.78
Aussie Tournament Pack 76.78
ECZ Tournament Director's Pack 166.78
ASL Action Pack #13 Oktoberfest XXXII 116.76
ASL Journal # 5 136.75
ASL Action Pack # 4 Normandy 1944 126.75
Melee Pack III 76.75
BFP 3: Blood and Jungle 476.75
ASL 3a - Yanks (2nd Edition) 416.75
AH:ASL Annual `90 166.74
Fanatic Pack 2 126.74
ASL Starter Kit #3 86.74
ASL Action Pack # 3 Few Returned 126.74
ASL Journal # 8 166.74
ASL 13 - Rising Sun 336.74
Schwerpunkt #23 126.74
HASL 4 - Pegasus Bridge 86.73
Friendly Fire Pack 7 86.73
DASL 1 - Streets of Fire 106.71
Dezign Pak 5 186.71
ASL Journal #13 336.71
HazMo Scenario Pack 4: Making the Grade 106.71
Special Ops #12 66.71
ASL Journal # 4 136.70
Schwerpunkt # 5: Medal of Honor 126.70
From The Cellar Pack # 2 106.70
ASL 10 - Croix de Guerre 86.68
AH:ASL Annual `95 Winter 246.68
Rally Point # 1 106.68
Schwerpunkt #13 126.68
BFP 4: Crucible of Steel 326.68
Quick 6 Scenario Pack III 66.68
HSASL 2 - Operation Veritable 176.67
ASL Journal # 3 336.67
Schwerpunkt # 7 126.67
Tactiques # 4 86.67
Operations Special Issue #1 66.67
Quick 6 Scenario Pack V 66.67
ASL Journal # 1 176.66
BFP 2: Operation Cobra 126.66
ASL 12 - Armies of Oblivion 116.65
Provence Pack (MMP Download) 106.65
Critical Hit # 3.1 126.65
HASL 7 - Valor of the Guards 216.65
ASL Starter Kit #1 66.64
Schwerpunkt #10 126.64
Dezign Pak 10 156.64
Rally Point #11 106.64
Quick 6 Scenario Pack 66.64
ASL Action Pack #15 Swedish Volunteers 166.64
Rally Point #14 106.63
March Madness 2019 Close Combat Pack 86.63
From The Cellar Pack # 9 176.63
AH:ASL Annual `96 146.62
ASL Open `96 Scenario Pack 106.62
BFP 5: Poland in Flames 456.62
HazMo Scenario Pack 1: A World at War 106.62
Rally Point # 3 106.61
Friendly Fire Pack 10 86.61
Schwerpunkt # 6: Victoria Cross 126.60
Schwerpunkt #11 126.60
Rally Point # 2 106.60
Rally Point #15 106.60
ASL Action Pack # 2 86.59
Blood & Iron 106.59
Schwerpunkt #12 126.59
Franc-Tireur #11 226.59
Leibstandarte Pack 1 - Blitzkrieg! 86.58
Schwerpunkt #20 126.58
ASL 3 - Yanks 86.57
AH:ASL Annual `92 156.57
ASL Starter Kit #2 86.57
Franc-Tireur #10 116.56
ASL Action Pack # 5 East Front 126.56
ASL 10a - Croix de Guerre 426.56
ASL Action Pack # 1 86.55
Dezign Pak 1 106.55
HASL 8 - Festung Budapest 206.54
Kampfgruppe Scherer: The Shield of Cholm 176.53
Elite Canadians 96.53
Coastal Fortress 556.53
HASL 10a - Red Factories 186.53
HASL 2 - Kampfgruppe Peiper I 66.52
HSASL 1 - Operation Watchtower 176.52
ASL Journal # 2 246.52
Gembloux: The Feint 96.52
Recon by Fire! #3 206.51
From The Cellar Pack # 5 146.51
ASL 5a - For King and Country 206.50
Hero PAX 3: Jungle Heroes 106.50
Melee Pack II 66.50
Dos Equis Scenarios Especial 106.50
AH:ASL Annual `97 166.49
Tactiques # 7 86.49
Nor'easter XX 136.49
Winter Offensive Bonus Pack 2018 66.49
HASL 12 - Drop Zone: Sainte-Mère-Église 146.49
Critical Hit # 6.4 246.48
Leibstandarte Pack 2 - Barbarossa 86.48
ASL Journal # 9 256.48
ASL 11a - Doomed Battalions (4th Edition) 326.48
ASL Journal # 7 126.47
Internet 1616.47
Onslaught to Orsha 256.47
ASL Starter Kit Expansion Pack #1 1st Edition 86.47
Beyond the Beachhead 2 166.46
Friendly Fire Pack 5 106.46
HASL 11 - Sword & Fire: Manila 306.46
ASL 5 - West of Alamein 86.45
Waffen-SS II: The Fuhrer's Fireman 86.45
ASL Action Pack # 8 Roads Through Rome 106.45
Blitzkrieg in the West - Central Campaign 66.45
AH:ASL Annual `91 166.44
Friendly Fire Pack 8 86.44
Tactiques # 8 106.43
Swedish Volunteers 146.43
Rally Point # 7 106.43
ASL Action Pack # 9 To the Bridge! 106.43
ASL 7 - Hollow Legions (2nd Edition) 86.42
ASL Journal # 6 156.41
G.I.'s Dozen 136.41
Rally Point #13 106.40
Out of the Attic #2 166.39
Schwerpunkt #17 126.39
High Ground 2 166.38
Into The Rubble 2 126.38
Covered 136.37
Critical Hit # 4 106.36
Tactiques # 1 106.36
Witches Cauldron: Oosterbeek Perimeter 166.36
Franc-Tireur #12 126.36
ASL 7a - Hollow Legions (3rd Edition) 546.36
AH:ASL Annual `89 156.35
Schwerpunkt #16 126.35
Onslaught To Orsha 2 326.35
Tactiques # 6 86.34
Nor'easter Scenario Pack II 156.34
Tropic Thunder! 126.33
Franc-Tireur #13 176.33
Rally Point #18 106.33
Franc-Tireur # 7 116.32
Franc-Tireur # 8 106.32
Recon by Fire! #4 146.32
Rally Point #17 106.32
ASL Action Pack #18 Oktoberfest XXXVII 146.32
ASL 2 - Paratrooper (2nd Edition) 86.31
Corregidor: The Rock 216.31
Quick 6 Scenario Pack II 66.31
High Ground! 86.30
Winpak #1 106.30
ASL Action Pack # 7 106.29
Rivers to the Reich 156.29
Critical Hit # 3 186.28
Dezign Pak 2 126.28
ASL Action Pack #11 29 Let's Go! 106.28
Schwerpunkt #21 126.28
ASL Action Pack #12 Oktoberfest XXX 106.27
BFP: Operation Neptune 106.27
Rally Point #21 106.27
Schwerpunkt #19 126.26
Out of the Attic 166.25
Fanatic Pack 1 126.25
Berlin: Red Vengeance 116.25
Dezign Pak 4 156.25
From The Cellar Pack # 6 106.25
Dezign Pak 7 126.25
Rally Point #16 106.25
ASL 11 - Doomed Battalions (3rd Edition) 246.24
ASL 15 - Forgotten War 166.24
HASL 10b - Red October 116.24
March Madness `97 Pack 126.23
Tactiques # 9 106.23
Hero PAX 1: Hurtgen Hell to Bulge Nightmare 86.22
Blitzkrieg Pack 186.22
Armoured Aussie Pack 76.22
ASL 14 - Hakkaa Päälle! 176.22
ASL 11 - Doomed Battalions (2nd Edition) 86.21
Tactiques # 2 106.21
Out of the Bunker 146.21
ASL 4 - Partisan! 86.20
Schwerpunkt #15 126.20
Rally Point # 8 106.20
Internet: MMP 66.19
Franc-Tireur #15 226.18
The Canadians In Italy 1: The Red Patch Devils in Sunny Sicily 86.17
Rally Point # 6 106.17
Rally Point # 9 106.13
SASL 1 - Solitaire ASL (2nd Edition) 216.11
The Canadians In Italy 2: The Spaghetti League 126.09
Schwerpunkt # 3 126.08
Buckeyes! 106.07
From The Cellar Pack # 7 106.07
Schwerpunkt # 2 126.06
Franc-Tireur #14 326.06
ASL 8 - Code of Bushido 86.05
Leibstandarte Pack 4 - Turning of the Tide! 86.04
Schwerpunkt #18 126.04
ASL 6 - The Last Hurrah (2nd Edition) 86.03
HASL 3 - Kampfgruppe Peiper II 86.03
Waffen-SS I: No Quarter No Glory! 66.02
Backblast # 2 86.00
Recon by Fire! #1 86.00
Objective: Schmidt 176.00
ASL 1 - Beyond Valor (1st Edition) 106.00
Dezign Pak 8 105.98
HASL 5 - Blood Reef: Tarawa 105.93
Schwerpunkt # 1 125.93
The Canadians In Italy 3: D-Day Dodgers 105.91
Dezign Pak 3 155.90
Blitzkrieg in the West - Northern Campaign 65.90
HASL 6 - A Bridge Too Far 125.88
Paddington Bears '97 Pack 85.88
Time on Target # 2 215.87
Time on Target # 1 135.86
Hero PAX 2: Eastern Front Hero Fest 85.83
Deluxe Pack #1 125.82
From The Cellar Pack #12 115.82
Southern Cross Scenario Pack `96 65.80
Rally Point # 5 105.75
Wacht Am Rhein 165.73
ASLOK 2005 - 20th Anniversary Scenario Pack 105.71
Winpak #2 65.68
ASL For Fun-LCP 325.68
DASL 2 - Hedgerow Hell 85.67
Melee Pack I 65.63
All American I: Kellam's Bridge 105.52
Leibstandarte Pack 3 - Clash at Kharkov! 85.48
Panzer Aces 65.43
Shingle's List 85.42
Hell's Highway 65.35
Firefights! 65.26
Guerra Civil: The Spanish Civil War 125.20
The Long March 175.16
Soldiers of the Negus 84.93

Top rated players

As of January 21, 2025. Grey players are inactive. Filter Active: View all
1Dmitry Klyuykov1501431
2fabrizio da pra1671400
3Paolo Cariolato8391311
4Paul Works3931306
5Stefan Fiedler381304
6Steven Linton501284
7Philippe Briaux391278
8Aaron Cleavin571275
9Justin DiSabatino
10jon smith551242
11Indy Lagu
12Craig Benn471232
13Aaron Sibley2751228
14Gordon Jupp4281223
15Sam Tyson321218
16Tommi Kangasmaa481218
17patrick palma5351216
18Paul Messina581215
19David Stoffey401211
20Michael Focht771209
21M T981209
22Simon Staniforth
23Steven Pleva181198
24nathan wegener6681198
25Brian Wiersma261196
26John Garlic1101196
27Eric Partizan Eric15861196
28S. Slunt761193
29Carl Nogueira211189
30Dave Mareske
31Will Fleming231175
32randy shurtz521174
33Vilis Pavulans1491173
34L Mattila571168
35Martin Mayers941168
36Spencer Armstrong571167
37Mark McG211164
38Curtis Brooks251163
39Kevin Sanders1211163
40B-E Karlsson1251158
41Ben Jones201153
42Lionel Colin711152
43Andreas R691152
44Scott Fischbein1071149
45Robert Wolkey191149
46Sean Mitchell251148
47Jeff Sewall281145
48César Moreno451144
49Xavier Vitry121144
50Mark Moore271143
51davide galloni1411142
52Igor Luckyanov371141
53Paul Sidhu181141
54Tom Kearney5371140
55Michael Augustine191139
56X von Marwitz4191139
57Ron Duenskie171138
58Jim Thompson211138
59Rich Weiley
60Raoul Duke1011137
61Martin Vicca261135
62Scott Hasson241135
63John O'Reilly171134
64Gerard Burton1851133
65Derek Ritter241133
66Rich Domovic511133
67John Boyle381133
68Tony Fermendzin411132
69Melvin Falk101131
70david ginnard281130
71Jobbo Fett
72Seumas Hoskins911127
73Douglas Leslie
74Eric Topp
75Tom Weniger91126
76Don Lazov921125
77stan jackson361125
78Alex Koestler661125
79Steve Bowen441125
80Gerry Proudfoot241124
81fabio aliprandi871122
82Hugh Harvey481120
83Andrew Young161118
84Miguel Guerrero91117
85Björn Lorenzen151115
86P-J Palmer121115
87Bob Callen521114
88Enrico Catanzaro221114
89Alessandro Demichelis311114
90JP Laurio2261113
91Gary Fortenberry141112
92Peter Dunn201112
93John Garlic11961110
94Larry Rohlfing1731109
95Jim Bishop
96Jeff B8331109
97Juhani Bonsdorff111109
98Chris Mazzei171109
99Bruno NITROSSO131108
100Laurent Tinture261108

Newest players - welcome!

brunoweBill Bruno2025-01-21 19:25:18
lsanchezsalaulluis sanchez2025-01-21 11:51:36
caiddadavid caidda2025-01-16 18:46:11

On this day...

70 KP 1673 miles east of Mauban, Bataan1942
CH 85 A Kick in the PantsSant' Angelo, Italy1944
PBP 17 Easy MeatOusseltia, Tunisia1943
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