Schwerpunkt #14

Published by: Sherry Enterprises. October 2008
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A collection of 12 ASL scenarios designed for tournament play by the Tampa ASL Group.
Designer notes and articles. (24 pages)
12 scenarios SP157 - SP168

Map board(s):


Articles and Resources:

The Sword and the Shield: The French Army, 1940 to 1945Brook WhiteReference Material3-7
Have a Little Faith, Baby! Staying in the GameEvan E. SherryAnalysis23


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SP157: Edge of Extinction010 6.42Near Sinnersdorf, GermanyWTOAmericanGerman2.9 hrs56% German3%
SP158: The Fond Dagot Drag-Out03 7.67North of Maisoncelle, FranceETOGermanFrench7.1 hrs67% French1%
SP159: The Lisjanka Epitaph06 7.83Lisjanka, Ukraine, USSRETORussianGerman6.6 hrsBalanced2%
SP160: The Lost Band of Edmontons01 6.00Leonforte, SicilyMTOGermanCanadian8 hrs67% German0%
SP161: Federov's Incursion03 9.33North of Obol, Belarus, USSRETOGermanRussian8.9 hrs64% Russian1%
SP162: The Buddha's Belly012 Sittang, BurmaCBIJapaneseBritish6.7 hrs58% British3%
SP163: First to Fastov03 8.00South of Fastov, USSRETORussianGerman6.6 hrs67% German1%
SP164: Tanks But No Tanks084 6.58Szack, PolandETORussianPolish6.8 hrs60% Polish24%
SP165: A Promise Fulfilled02 7.00Corregidor Island, The PhilippinesPTOAmericanJapanese2.9 hrsBalanced1%
SP166: Blue Jacket Attack03 7.67Mt. Pucot, Bataan Peninsula, The Philippine IslandsPTOAmericanJapanese3.5 hrs75% Japanese1%
SP167: Trigger Happy Joes01 9.00Marnach, LuxembourgWTOGermanAmerican4.9 hrs100% American0%
SP168: Muhlenkamp's Miracle03 6.50Kovel, RussiaETOGerman (SS)Russian4.8 hrs67% German (SS)1%

 * Popularity is the sum of Roar and Archive reported playings based as a percentage of the parent publication's total games.

 (Dark) grey rows indicate Night scenarios.

Median length of scenarios: 6.6hrs

Average rating of scenarios: 7.45

Total playing time: 69.7hrs

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