Recon by Fire! #2

Published by: Heat of Battle. January 2004
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DASL Mapboard (BF2)
APC Player Aid
10 Action Packed Scenarios
Breaching Operations
Mechanized Warfare
RBF 2 Cover

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Board: BF2

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RBF 9: Rolling Stones02 Naaverdalen, NorwayETOGermanNorwegian3.2 hrs64% Norwegian1%
RBF10: Tip Off at Tauroggen033 7.70Tauroggen, LithuaniaETOGermanRussian11.4 hrs58% Russian19%
RBF11: Gut Check03 6.00Southwest of Siaulenai, LithuaniaETOGermanRussian10.1 hrs100% Russian2%
RBF12: Sverdlikova Melee04 5.00Sverdlikova, RussiaETORussianGerman (SS)4.7 hrs58% German (SS)2%
RBF13: Neubauer Battalion05 5.67Khmylovka, RussiaETOGermanRussian4.4 hrs80% Russian3%
RBF14: Kampfgruppe Lang03 8.33Sidi Nsir, TunisiaDTOGermanBritish5 hrsBalanced2%
RBF15: Shumilino03 8.00Shumilino, BelorussiaETORussianGerman8.8 hrs100% German2%
RBF16: The Bitter End013 North of Vienna, AustriaETOGerman (SS)Russian17.9 hrs60% Russian7%
RBF17: Third Hotspot01 8.00Bigonville, BelgiumWTOAmericanGerman8.9 hrs100% American1%
RBF18: First Day at Fuchin00 Fuchin, ManchuriaCBIRussianJapanese15.6 hrsUnknown0%

 * Popularity is the sum of Roar and Archive reported playings based as a percentage of the parent publication's total games.

 (Dark) grey rows indicate Night scenarios.

Median length of scenarios: 8.85hrs

Average rating of scenarios: 6.96

Total playing time: 90hrs

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