Little Saturn

Published by: Critical Hit. August 2020
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Board: LS1, LS2, LS3, LS4, LS5, LS6

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LS #1: Recon In Force00 Uriv, RussiaETORussianHungarian14.3 hrsUnknown0%
LS #2: Retreat Becomes Rout00 Karpenkov, RussiaETORussianHungarian10.2 hrsUnknown0%
LS #3: Fire And Brimstone00 Alexeyevkaandilinka, RussiaETORussianHungarian16 hrs67% Hungarian0%
LS #4: Ravenna Resolve00 RussiaETORussianItalian12.9 hrsUnknown0%
LS #5: Black On Black00 Tschertkovo, RussiaETORussianAxis (Italian and German)9.6 hrsUnknown0%
LS #6: Alpini Pride00 Tschertkovo, RussiaETORussianItalian8.8 hrsUnknown0%
LS #7: Human Wave00 Nikolayevka, RussiaETOItalianRussian12.7 hrsUnknown0%
LS #8: Roman Doctrine00 Nikolayevka, RussiaETOItalianRussian7.6 hrsUnknown0%

 * Popularity is the sum of Roar and Archive reported playings based as a percentage of the parent publication's total games.

 (Dark) grey rows indicate Night scenarios.

Median length of scenarios: 11.45hrs

Average rating of scenarios: n/a

Total playing time: 92.1hrs

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