Nor'easter XXVII Tournament (2023)

Published by: Yankee ASL Club. March 2023
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Nor'easter XXVII: March 23-26, 2023

The ASL Nor'easter is New England's regional ASL championships. It is held annually near Boston, MA. It is a yearly get-together of people in the New England area and beyond that play Advanced Squad Leader (ASL). The Nor'easter is hosted and directed by the boys from The Bunker and the Yankee ASL Group.

25 Previously published scenarios were played from MMP (13), DftB (2), ECZ (3), HazMo (1), Quick6 (3), TED (1) and YASL(2) and 6 Mini's from ESG, MLR, BE, FrF, TBBA and TAC.

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