GWASL Hindenburg Line: Battle For Vierstraat Ridge 1918

Published by: Critical Hit. July 2017
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Vierstraat Ridge, Belgium, 2 September 1918: The Hindenburg Line was originally organized for defense toward the end of the year 1916, and work was continuous in its preparation for a long time thereafter. The Siegfried Line makes full use, along extended stretches, of the front line of defense accorded by the Bellicourt-St. Quentin Canal. The strength of these defenses, increased as it is by inundated areas, provided extensivee mutual flanking fire support. Good artillery observation rendered the line very strong. The Siegfried Line is considered to create the most favorable conditions for a stubborn defense by a minimum garrison. It is therefore adapated to the requirements of obstinate close combat.

Ownership of GWASL 1 and GWASL 3 are required, as is your ASLRB.


1 Color Wraparound Cover Sheet
Six 18” x 12.5” Color Cardstock Maps
One ASL Special Rules Sheet
Three Countersheets of 88 Counters
Two Countersheets of 240 Counters
9 Scenarios

Map board(s):

Board: CH: Vierstraat Ridge

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VR#1: Captains and Majors00 Vierstraat, BelgiumWW1GermanAmerican7 hrsUnknown0%
VR#2: The Vierstraat Switch00 Vierstraat, BelgiumWW1GermanAmerican21.8 hrsUnknown0%
VR#3: Blind Courage00 Vierstraat, BelgiumWW1GermanAmerican3.4 hrsUnknown0%
VR#4: Redoubt Farm00 Vierstraat, BelgiumWW1GermanAmerican8.5 hrsUnknown0%
VR#5: Riposte In Lead00 Vierstraat, BelgiumWW1GermanAmerican24.3 hrsUnknown0%
VR#6: Back To Chinese Trench00 Vierstraat, BelgiumWW1GermanAmerican6.8 hrs100% German0%
VR#7: Handiwork Of The Devil00 Vierstraat, BelgiumWW1AmericanGerman11.7 hrsUnknown0%
VR#8: Vierstraat Ridge00 Vierstraat, BelgiumWW1AmericanGerman259.6 hrsUnknown0%

 * Popularity is the sum of Roar and Archive reported playings based as a percentage of the parent publication's total games.

 (Dark) grey rows indicate Night scenarios.

Median length of scenarios: 10.1hrs

Average rating of scenarios: n/a

Total playing time: 343.1hrs

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