To The Volga! 1: Stalingrad Winter Stand

Published by: Critical Hit. June 2018
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This is ASLComp Volga 1 in a Winterized map presentation for use with existing scenarios that are set in December/January 1942 and up to the surrender of 3 February 1943. It includes 4 Bonus scenarios set on the winter map.

The Winterized map is not identical to the non-winter Volga 1 map - there's more devastation. More rubble. More shellholes. More crashed in rooftops. It uses CH's popular winterized map palette.

Note! This is not a complete game! Ownership of the ASLRB, RB or other Stalingrad Historical Module, and German/Russian Nationalities is required to use this product.

Map board(s):

Board: CH: DTW, CH: WIN

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TW#13: Horsemeat00 Stalingrad, Soviet UnionETORussianGerman69.5 hrsUnknown0%
TW#14: Last Panzer In The Kessel00 Stalingrad, Soviet UnionETORussianGerman5.9 hrsUnknown0%
TW#15: Fight Or Die00 Stalingrad, Soviet UnionETORussianGerman4.6 hrsUnknown0%
TW#16: Drop All Hope00 Stalingrad, Soviet UnionETORussianGerman7.3 hrsUnknown0%

 * Popularity is the sum of Roar and Archive reported playings based as a percentage of the parent publication's total games.

 (Dark) grey rows indicate Night scenarios.

Median length of scenarios: 6.6hrs

Average rating of scenarios: n/a

Total playing time: 87.3hrs

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