Nordic Twilight - Norwind 1945

Published by: Critical Hit. June 2011
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During the first days of January 1945 German forces pushed out of the Low Vosges forests to capture the towns that lay along the snow-covered route of attack. One of these towns was Wingen, along the Moder River. American units there were initially caught by surprise as battle-hardened troopers from the 6th SS Mountain Division stormed in and captured the town. American reinforcements were soon pouring in from the west and the south and despite bitter fighting, by January 5th the German offensive had been brought to a standstill. Lacking exits from the Vosges, planned armored reserves stood idle and Operation Nordwind ended in failure.

Wingen sits in a small valley along the Moder River between Bitche to the north and Saverne to the south. Described in the following bucolic terms, “...the village and the surrounding area looked very much like a winter scene one might expect to find on a Christmas card back home. Smoke rising from a few chimneys made the houses appear warm and inviting...” Wingen would erupt on 3 January 1945 and become the focal-point of Operation Nordwind.

This module consists of eight scenarios, all playable on the Wingen-sur-Moder historical map. The map seeks to recreate this wooded region, and specifically allow for the investigation of combat problems inherent to a built-up area with river, bridges, and buildings laid out realistically in a manner unlike that which can be depicted on geomorphic boards.

Welcome to the NORDIC TWILIGHT, a map-based VARIANT module that depicts the fierce fighting in the Low Vosges by the 6th SS Mountain Division during Operation Nordwind. NORDIC TWILGIHT contains eight scenarios, all playable on the new map included. You also two copies of two new die-cut counter sheets and an expanded 28 page SR and historical notes booklet. Bring your own ASLRB, Americans and markers and have at it!


A set of cenarios set on the Wingen-sur-Moder map

Special rules in 3-hole format

Two BONUS counter sheets with Waffen SS, Control markers and more!

Color cover

22" × 34" mapsheet in folding paper format with enlarged hexes

Map board(s):

Board: CH: Wingen-Sur-Moder

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WSM1: Dawn Attack02 Wingen-Sur-Moder, FranceWTOGerman (SS)American7.3 hrsBalanced5%
WSM2: Krauts in the Holes01 5.00Wingen-Sur-Moder, FranceWTOAmericanGerman (SS)2.5 hrs100% German (SS)2%
WSM3: A Company Alone01 5.50Wingen-Sur-Moder, FranceWTOGerman (SS)American4.1 hrsUnknown2%
WSM4: Jumbo Time02 7.00Wingen-Sur-Moder, FranceWTOAmericanGerman (SS)5.7 hrs75% German (SS)5%
WSM5: Love Hurts00 Wingen-Sur-Moder, FranceWTOAmericanGerman (SS)3.5 hrsUnknown0%
WSM6: Company G02 5.67Wingen-Sur-Moder, FranceWTOAmericanGerman (SS)2.6 hrs100% German (SS)5%
WSM7: Back to Wingen00 Wingen-Sur-Moder, FranceWTOAmericanGerman (SS)6.3 hrsUnknown0%
WSM8: The 781st Tries Again00 Wingen-Sur-Moder, FranceWTOAmericanGerman (SS)6.9 hrsUnknown0%
WSM9: Wingen-Sur-Moder02 6.67Wingen-Sur-Moder, FranceWTOGerman (SS)American70.2 hrsBalanced5%
WSM10: The Day After01 5.00Wingen-Sur-Moder, FranceWTOAmericanGerman (SS)2.2 hrs100% American2%
CH #50(a): Simmons' Rebuff01 6.00near Bardenburg, Germany WTOGermanAmerican2.4 hrs100% German2%

 * Popularity is the sum of Roar and Archive reported playings based as a percentage of the parent publication's total games.

 (Dark) grey rows indicate Night scenarios.

Median length of scenarios: 4.1hrs

Average rating of scenarios: 5.83

Total playing time: 113.7hrs

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