Original Scenario:RESCUE MY FRIEND v.2 By Dan Dolan 12 September, 1943 Gran Sasso, Italy: A small group of German glider troops under the command of SS Captain Otto Skorzeny operating on direct orders from Adolph Hitler conducted a daring midday raid on the mountaintop retreat where the Italian leaders who kiddnapped Benito Mussolini were holding him. Board Configuration: ----- ----- Italian Sets up first | 15| 9| > German moves first | | | N Game Length: 9.5 Turns ----- ----- Victory Conditions: The German player must exit Mussolini (See SSR 2) via plane by the end of German turn 10. See SSR 3 for plane landing rules. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Italian: elements Alpini Regt. [ELR:2] [SAN:3] Setup as per SSR 4. 24 x 346 8-1 2 x 7-0 2 x MMG 3 x LMG 2 x Wire 4 x Trench 4 x Autocarri P 3 x Autocarri M 3 x Autocarri L --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Force Skorzeny: enter Turn 1 using Glider rules. [ELR:5] [SAN:5] 1 x 838 5 x 548 10-3 9-2 8-1 6 x Glider 10 pp of SW (at least 1 pp must be a radio - No FT) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SSR 1: EC is moderate with No wind. Wind direction is from the SE. Alpine Hill rules (B10.211) are in effect. SSR 2: Prior to setup the Italian player records the location of Mussolini in any location of 9DD3-EE4. This building has stairwells in each hex. Mussolini remains hidden until a German unit enters the location he is in. At this point an Italian 6+1 leader is placed onboard. It can only move when accompanied by a German unit. SSR 3: The German player may summon the plane to carry Mussolini by establishing radio contact. One turn later the plane will land at one of the following strips, 9U4,9U5,9U6,9U7,9U8 or 9X5,0Y5,9Z4,9AA4,9BB3. While on the ground the plane is treated as an unarmored target of small size. It moves along the landing strip until it reaches the end. On the next or any following turn the German player may load Mussolini aboard the plane. The turn after Mussolini is loaded the plane moves back down the strip and takes off at the end. SSR 4: The Italian player may set up 8 squads on Board 9. He may set up =< 3 squads and leaders in building 9DD3-EE4. Any units in this building may setup HIP. No Italian good order Italian unit may enter or fire into the location containing Mussolini. Only 2 SW and all fortifications may set up on board 9. The remaining Italian forces set up on board 15. A maximum of 1 squad +Leaders/SW may set up per hex. Trucks may begin on any board 15 road hex. Units on board 15 may not move until Turn 3. SSR 5: Treat German 838 as an Assault Engineer. Aftermath: Landing on Gran Sasso Skorzeny's men quickly overwhelmed the Italian defenders. Mussolini was found in an upstairs room and quickly hustled out to the waiting Storch scout plane. The dangerously overloaded plane barely took to the air containing the piolot Skorzeny and Il Duce. Skorzeny had done the impossible he had rescued Hitler's "Friend."