The name is apt because I replayed it 3 times before figured out how the Reds can win it. It's all in what *not* to do. First you're given the option of attacking across a long flat plain into waiting bunkers, or attacking up a steep hill into waiting bunkers (it's really two scenarios in one). I didn't even try the first option because it seemed like luck of the die and low probability of Red win. The second option, up the hill, you have 2 or 3 options (depending on the KMT setup): go up the right side of the board and try to circle around from the rear avoiding the bunker CA, go straight up the middle shortest path into the teeth of the KMT, or climb the cliffs in some way (or some combination of these). It turns out the easiest is the best: just go right up the middle shortest path, but first spend 3-5 turns softening up defenses with extended range fire, then human wave up the hill. Turned out to be an easy win even with mediocre die rolls, but the other techniques of outflanking are a sure way to loose every time (I know). This one will force you to reconsider.