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Genghis Khan Lives!Long, involved scenario. The White Russian player has to balance the CVP, a lot of ground to cover and occupy and mainatin a cohesive plan of attack throughout. In a scenario such as this, it is quite easy to lose focus from session to session as happened in this playing but I enjoyed the narrative of the scenario. I'm actually a huge fan of LFT's RCW scenarios so this was very enjoyable to play but it is an intense amount of mental work at times. I'm not sure that any delay in the reinforcements can be sustained but it is fun. CloseAssaultPete
Frank's TanksThe two German Stugs were destroyed quite quickly but the three Panthers managed to destroy the 57LL and T34 quite quickly giving them the ability to roam the battlefield and reduce Russian's strongpoints. However, it took an incredible (and quite lucky) last turn for the Germans to secure the 13 buildings they needed. A very enjoyable game that could have gone very differently of luck had less favored the German side. Djord
SparkplugVASL jrwusmc
Forest GummThe most brutal dicing of the Germans I have seen in my career. The result was not representative of the skill of either player, and I can't give the scenario a fair rating because we have no idea how it was supposed to play out. aiabx
Four Stars of ValorGame was pretty well over when the allies had secured board 19a by end of turn 6, with only three GO German SS squads left on board 18a to deny the first VC choice (on/adjacent-to a RR hex(es)), but they could not get close enough with the last squad attempting such pinning. Very enjoyable scenario, with only one Sherman V and one Jagdpanzer IV left unscathed. The 88 setup on board 18, with excellent fields of fire and destroyed the Firefly and another Sherman before turning to a British leader and accompanying squad, while a Jagdpanzer took out another Sherman. The other German guns were largely ineffective, as were the American bazooka attempts. The Germans retained possession of all three X33 factory locations throughout the scenario, but had no units left alive aside from a lone SPW 251/1 on board 19a. (VASL Log) Ahriman667
Monty's MessGave up on British turn 2, turned over by the dicebot again. Gamer72
Cole's ChargeClose Assault Round 1 jwert02
Blockbusters asloser
Beacon of Hope asloser
Death Ride Bongiovanni
Emulate the BraveFirst to play and post. Danno
Emulate the BraveMy Russians attacked on the wrong flank and got savaged by German MMG fire. Dan counter-attacked with Oberleutnant Sacha's MKIV's and knocked out my T-70's and two of my KV-1's. My Russians managed to knock out a MKII and MKIII and also Sacha's MKIV. But after 4 it was clear that my Russians couldn't achieve the objectives. Fun scenario and a good win for Dan!! grumblejones
Hühnersuppe wwillow
Cole's ChargeThe bulk of the American force advanced on the west side of the board with a small flanking force on the east. Progress for the first 3 turns continued essentially unhindered. The German mortar was able to break a squad on turn 1. That squad rallied immediately and the mortar had no more effect for the remainder of the game. The Americans positioned two MMG on Level 1 of the north building keeping the Germans off the hill and complicating German movement. At the end of Turn 3, the German position was very weak. The west side was greatly weakened when a German 9-1 was eliminated and two squads broken. On the east side two American HS's were threatening to completely flank the German position putting them in position to capture the south east building. This would have been devastating for the German position. Fortunately, as the American paratroopers advanced down the western road, German defensive fire was able to pin and break a number of squads. In the mean time, a number of paratroopers attempted to cross the center ground but got caught up in MG fire. Smoke was plentiful for the first 3 turns but seemed to dry up as the game progressed. The American MMGs on Level 1 in the building ended up being less useful than hoped due to difficult LOS around the woods and buildings. By Turn 7, the Germans were able to push back the east flanking units. As the Americans tried to dash across the southern road to the grain field, the German MMG cut down the leader and squads with him. With insufficient force remaining, the Americans conceded. Heloanjin
Riposte Bongiovanni
Going to New York!Third time was the charm; no extremes and it went to the top of the last turn. The Italians sent a handful of squads from the north to ensure the Americans had keep back a part of their force to block the path to EE7. Most of the Italian squads put pressure on the column x tree line, methodically moving forward and pressuring the Americans. After a number of breaks and rallies, it came down to an unexpected Italian conscript rally that dashed for the embankment along the east edge to obtain the necessary FP. Turuk
Sheep in Wolf's ClothingMy British set up heavy in the north and bum rushed into the middle of the board, spreading out and eliminating nearly the entire German force before their reinforcements arrived. The Germans held only building F5 and D5. The German reinforcements all entered in the south east corner of the map and set up in the woods trying to interdict my British assault on the last two buildings. It was a hard fought battle, but in the end the British mortar ended up getting two smokes down with rate and completely blocked the HMG and seriously hindered the MMG. Some seriously bad dice for the Germans doomed him as he hit me with two 24 fp shots and a 12 fp shot over two fire phases and got nearly zero results out of it. The British ended up breaking or pinning every remaining German unit on the board in their turn 6 and the Germans called it a day. tatumjonj
Pipkorn's Attempt PeterA
Into the FrayGermans conceded when it became clear they couldn’t achieve the Exit VC (one tank KO and another under Recall) and CVP were even. Given the SANs of 2, a lot of Sniper action in this game. Is there anything more ASL than seeing your 2 down 2 shot from a Green HS roll “snakes” to cower off the IFT only for the subsequent Sniper to take out your 9-2 leader… Simonstan
Men of the Mountains rangercote
Fox HuntFirst to play and post. Danno
Fox HuntMy Partisans crept into the German compound, but struggled to win Close Combats even with ambush. Losses started to mount and I couldn't rally my broken Partisans. Dan immobilized both Panthers on the repair rolls, but both used their turrets effectively. Rommel was in the G13 house and well defended. My Partisans failed to take out the Germans defending Rommel and after 5 turns, I conceded as my force was too degraded to win the game. Enjoyable scenario overall. grumblejones
Trial of the Infantry A15.4er
Down on the FarmMy dice sucked from get go, rolled 10 on first Weather change DR so rain starts, meaning no Smoke from my mortars. Got worse from there as every time I moved onto ridge Bryan shot me to pieces. Conceded at end of German turn 4 as no way to recover and press on to building objectives over Open Ground in Heavy rain vs fully intact defense. Good game by Bryan. thedrake70458
Gotta Get OutThe Americans pushed about a company of infantry 1 tank and the halftrack with squad down West side of the board
The American infantry were having a bit of at tough time and then the German 75L appeared. Killed the Tank, Critical hit a squad in the fox hole
The German sniper woke up and Stunned the Halftrack. With only 3 turns left the American felt that they could not get to the last victory hex and Conceded.
Silesian Interlude Bongiovanni
L'Union Fait la Force manzoliandrea72
Side by SideWent all the way to last MPh ... Germans finally broke the lone unit left defending approaches to the bridge then sent Fanatic across under light fire for the win. Kydder
Purple Heart LaneAmericans Controlled 6 buildings but failed to prevent German units from moving off board to steal the victory. Kydder
Retaking the VKT LineRussian OBA played a big part in securing the win once the Finns reached boards 17/42, with help from the reinforcement AFVs making lucky (and spectacular) Wreckage of the Finnish group. Kydder
"À Moi la Légion!"Interesting victory conditions - lotsa time pressure.
Death's Head DenouementI prevented Maurizio's German from exiting the map. Interesting scenario with many options for both parts. cosarara
Muscled Out of Town JimT1277
The ClearingThe Americans got their two MMGs set up to fire on the Pillbox and went on a ROF attack breaking and then killing everyone inside. The Germans had a chance as they rolled two 2s in the last Rally Phase creating a berserk unit, but the 9-2 was able to gun them down. A close game with lots of back and forth. dmareske
Kempf at Melikhovo atomic
Coke HillCalled it on Japanese turn 5, when a third MG malfunctioned - can't fight the dicebot. Very enjoyable up to then, though. Gamer72
Kids These Days wwillow
Norman "D" toffee
Tumult from the CloudsA decent air drop with few losses allowed for the Germans to apply pressure quickly on the spread out defenses the Norwegians had set up. The need to run around to recover weapons, and a high number of poor landings forcing the paratroopers to split into half-squads made things a little tough for the aggressors, but nonetheless they fought their way onto both pillboxes and a lucky berserk roll (and an MMG-toting Norwegian squad cowering) allowed entry into the bigger of the buildings adjacent to the runway.

The Air Support failed to make a dent until a lucky shot forced a leader to go berserk, and subsequently berserking the squad he was paired with. Despite the loss of control of these units (and their eventual extermination), the Norwegians were able to hold on to the very last, surviving a 3-1 odds CC roll to retain control of the last building.

I think this scenario is rather fun and simple enough for most people to wrap their heads around the paratrooper landings without frustration. Balance wise, the German option should probably be to remove the need to get ALL buildings, or perhaps get an alternative win condition based on the map no longer having any good order Norwegian MMC, to prevent a melee cheese.
Extracurricular ActivityGood short scenario.
My Russians set up too far forward without a good covered retreat option, leaving them exposed and running out of places to hide. This left the Hungarians enough room to do an end run around the northern edge and gain control of the VC building. I conceded on Turn 5 as I did not have enough GO MMC to match what the Hungarians had at hand.

I was also extremely lucky with some early die rolls that slowed the Russian assault somewhat, before Steve regrouped and continued. (VASL Log)
Continue the Attack at OnceDespite my opponent really rolling great early, his forces were spread out too wide. This allowed the Americans to use their firepower to gain an advantage on the left side of the board and by turn 4 I had enough units close to the victory area. The German player conceded when I advanced a leader and 2 MMGs onto the level 1 hill next to the road. He didn't think he'd be able to get enough units over to that side of the board. I agreed. tatumjonj
Kordiyak's WoodsThe Americans set up with a kill stack at level 2 with all the German units set up in foxholes concealed at the edge of the woods. The Germans survived prep and held their fire through the American mph. They eliminated two real units and two dummy stacks on turn 2. I hipped the mortar in R6 and the plan was to keep it quiet as long as possible maybe not allowing the Americans enough time to deal with it. The Americans made a huge push into the woods while the Germans kept creeping back and retaining concealment, trying to stretch out the game. Finally in turn 4, I caught his kill stack running down the road and got a break and a pin with the mortar. In the German half of the 4th turn, i dropped concealment and absolutely pummeled five adjacent stacks with point blank fire and rate, eventually breaking every squad next to me. A quick run around behind by a German unit facing down 2 fire in 3 hexes was preparing to move into position to get three hexes worth of Americans for FTR when the Americans conceded. This is a great, tense scenario. Once the Americans get in you, there's very little space to operate. tatumjonj
Devil's Hill
Another Bloody MorningVASL jrwusmc
Criniti's Escape asloser
Kicked to the Curb jwert02
Hot Toddy asloser
Hill 424 usmcwo1
Cornered BeastsVASL jrwusmc
A Polish Requiem Serge
Drava EpicThough it was a solo game, I really enjoyed this scenario which had some wild swings of luck. The wildest moment was when the Panzer IV fired on half squad with its machineguns which created a hero. The Panzer fired its MA and this led, again, to the creation of a hero. Finally, the Panzer intensive fired its MA and killed the half squad via failed morale / casualty reduction. During the following defensive fire phase, one the newly created heroes destroyed the Panzer with a Panzer Faust shot. Djord
Mountain MarinesThe Vasl League Round 1 2025 slunts
Released from the East strategos
Totensonntag jwert02
Kordiyak's Woods Danno
Kordiyak's WoodsGerman half-squads fought it out up front to slow the Americans moving into the first of the bocage. Held the Americans for two turns and lost of the 2-4-7's with 2 more escaping to the woods. The Americans attempted to turn the German right, but were broken up. Dan's 9-1 went Heroic, but his kill stack was hit by a 12 shot rate of fire from the German 81 MTR, which stalled them until they KIA'd the crew with a 13 factor snakes. But by turn 5, the Germans retreated to deeper into the woods. The Americans were shattered and out of enough movement to win the game. grumblejones
Forging Spetsnaz Berthémy
Feast Day rangercote
A Wave Breaking with the TidePolish troops eliminated four squads and three more were under DM in the first two turns. 3/5 German leaders lost by SAN1, CC and capture. Polish OBA was accurate on the church/steeple trapping about three squads. It ended early due to their loses. Houlie
Marechal's Mill atomic
Tavronitis BridgeSome unique ASL happened here. Great match. The NZ Sniper was effective in pinning a squad that was subsequently jumped in CC. My German sniper broke a squad, routing him out of the Victory Area, but my German Paratroopers fell just short of the objective. A fun game I'd play any time, either side. von Garvin
Hunting Hotchkiss wwillow
Highland Frank wwillow
Great Vengeance Serge
Roads to Perdition Danno
Roads to PerditionGermans managed to secure the necessary locations. Not a fan of variable OB and variable reinforcements. grumblejones
Tumult From the CloudsA decent air drop with few losses allowed for the Germans to apply pressure quickly on the spread out defenses the Norwegians had set up. The need to run around to recover weapons, and a high number of poor landings forcing the paratroopers to split into half-squads made things a little tough for the aggressors, but nonetheless they fought their way onto both pillboxes and a lucky berserk roll (and an MMG-toting Norwegian squad cowering) allowed entry into the bigger of the buildings adjacent to the runway.

The Air Support failed to make a dent until a lucky shot forced a leader to go berserk, and subsequently berserking the squad he was paired with. Despite the loss of control of these units (and their eventual extermination), the Norwegians were able to hold on to the very last, surviving a 3-1 odds CC roll to retain control of the last building.

I think this scenario is rather fun and simple enough for most people to wrap their heads around the paratrooper landings without frustration. Balance wise, the German option should probably be to remove the need to get ALL buildings, or perhaps get an alternative win condition based on the map no longer having any good order Norwegian MMC, to prevent a melee cheese.
Tumult From The CloudsA decent air drop with few losses allowed for the Germans to apply pressure quickly on the spread out defenses the Norwegians had set up. The need to run around to recover weapons, and a high number of poor landings forcing the paratroopers to split into half-squads made things a little tough for the aggressors, but nonetheless they fought their way onto both pillboxes and a lucky berserk roll (and an MMG-toting Norwegian squad cowering) allowed entry into the bigger of the buildings adjacent to the runway.

The Air Support failed to make a dent until a lucky shot forced a leader to go berserk, and subsequently berserking the squad he was paired with. Despite the loss of control of these units (and their eventual extermination), the Norwegians were able to hold on to the very last, surviving a 3-1 odds CC roll to retain control of the last building.

I think this scenario is rather fun and simple enough for most people to wrap their heads around the paratrooper landings without frustration. Balance wise, the German option should probably be to remove the need to get ALL buildings, or perhaps get an alternative win condition based on the map no longer having any good order Norwegian MMC, to prevent a melee cheese.
Tumult From The CloudsA decent air drop with few losses allowed for the Germans to apply pressure quickly on the spread out defenses the Norwegians had set up. The need to run around to recover weapons, and a high number of poor landings forcing the paratroopers to split into half-squads made things a little tough for the aggressors, but nonetheless they fought their way onto both pillboxes and a lucky berserk roll (and an MMG-toting Norwegian squad cowering) allowed entry into the bigger of the buildings adjacent to the runway.

The Air Support failed to make a dent until a lucky shot forced a leader to go berserk, and subsequently berserking the squad he was paired with. Despite the loss of control of these units (and their eventual extermination), the Norwegians were able to hold on to the very last, surviving a 3-1 odds CC roll to retain control of the last building.

I think this scenario is rather fun and simple enough for most people to wrap their heads around the paratrooper landings without frustration. Balance wise, the German option should probably be to remove the need to get ALL buildings, or perhaps get an alternative win condition based on the map no longer having any good order Norwegian MMC, to prevent a melee cheese.
Tumult From The CloudsA decent air drop with few losses allowed for the Germans to apply pressure quickly on the spread out defenses the Norwegians had set up. The need to run around to recover weapons, and a high number of poor landings forcing the paratroopers to split into half-squads made things a little tough for the aggressors, but nonetheless they fought their way onto both pillboxes and a lucky berserk roll (and an MMG-toting Norwegian squad cowering) allowed entry into the bigger of the buildings adjacent to the runway.

The Air Support failed to make a dent until a lucky shot forced a leader to go berserk, and subsequently berserking the squad he was paired with. Despite the loss of control of these units (and their eventual extermination), the Norwegians were able to hold on to the very last, surviving a 3-1 odds CC roll to retain control of the last building.

I think this scenario is rather fun and simple enough for most people to wrap their heads around the paratrooper landings without frustration. Balance wise, the German option should probably be to remove the need to get ALL buildings, or perhaps get an alternative win condition based on the map no longer having any good order Norwegian MMC, to prevent a melee cheese.
Point of the Sword A_Lost_Canadian
Costly BaptismIn our continuing effort to get through the PiF pack, we just completed the third scenario in the pack. My attacking Germans ran roughshod over the Poles, a combination of a decent plan to attack hard from the northwest edge which provided a fair amount of cover and I just absolutely diced my poor opponent in this one. I'm big enough to admit when I've rolled my fair share of 3s, 4s and 5s. I killed all the Polish AFVs in two turns, even managing to burn one with an ATR. I had the 3 buildings necessary very quickly and once I got a foothold established in the west, I just ran amok and literally wiped every counter off the board by turn 4. I'm surprised this one wasn't more pro German. The Poles should definitely get the balance. tatumjonj
Shadows of Death galletto
Breaking the Ishun LineRussians went with a reverse slop defense on the large eastern hill. The Russians did not defend the small hill. Dan's Germans quickly gobbled up the 6 hexes of the small hill, but took some hard hits from the Russian 50 MTR. Dan's 9-2 went around and attacked from the east and was KIA'd along with a squad. The loss of the 9-2 sapped the strength out of the eastern side attack. The Germans continued to assault from the north and west, but were knocked back by heavy Russian fire. The Germans would continue the attack to the final turn and end the game with control of 10 hexes for a Russian win. grumblejones
Breaking the Ishun Line Danno
Buckley's BlockFriday Night Fights Game 4
This was very enjoyable. we took it easy pace wise but still got through it in a single session. Mud is the great leveller for the Japanese love of manoeuvre and the first two turns were trying to get into position for the mid game.
Unfortunately I completely muffed my positioning of my leaders and had units out of position and couldn't buy a deploy roll to save myself . Dan was mounting a great fall back defense and I just couldn't get momentum. Rain went heavy on Turn 2 and I was able to get into a pivotal yet inconclusive HTH CC - and then the US HMG malfing allowed me to start threatening the southern route.
The game really turned on Turn 4 when my CCs went in my favour apart from one. The ATG Canister only got one shot before I CCed the crew and that was only versus an adjacent unit so much less effective than normal. I really started to put some hurt on the US with casualty CVP, and then I captured the gun, blew it it up firing it, and was able to force a late redeployment from the TD.

Mistakes were made by both sides, I forgot to attempt two TH heroes in the movement phase and so DFF pinned both units. Dan was in a way too disciplined D1F wise and missed an great opportunity to lay a firelane down the exit hexrow. I did manage to keep some squads intact for the late game which mean striping finally helped. while I accumulated 22 VP, it was very tight right up until that last turn, especially with both Halftrack hunting half squads getting pinned right next to the M3 GMC in DFF (see missed TH opportunities.)

Enjoyable game, awesome opponent, great ASL session.
Buckley's BlockAs part of FNF. I ended up only amassing 11 VP out of the required 20. That said, was a fun game and I'd play this one again. Either side! von Garvin
Spain's CrusadersI lost this one on my setup. RJenulis
Fork in the Road toffee
Failure to CommunicateA failure to communicate the proper VC had the French conceding after they withdrew into the stone buildings leaving the Germans access to five multi hex buildings. dmareske
A Negative Object Bongiovanni
The Winter City PeterA
Bricks in FlamesNo skill required, no subtlety, just empty the tubes every fire phase. As the British player, know your APDS values at various ranges, and note the special ammo of your guns and mortar. Then watch the Volksgrenadiers melt away and the tanks burn. My esteemed opponent's view on the scenario - "it's bobbins". Gamer72
Hill 424 Danno
Hill 424Well, as others have pointed out...not a particularly fun scenario for the Americans. The Germans have a lot coming at them and the field of fire on top of the hill is a bit tricky. In our game, all three MKIV's were knocked out, but at game end, the Germans had 90+ points on top of the hill to the remaining 50+ of Americans. grumblejones
Two Long BarsThis scenario helped us learn the Air support and Light AA fire rules. The German won with the help of the air support from Rudel Ju-87 Stuka and an old HS-123 aircraft. To win the Russians needed to roll or walk over the airstrips, but with only six turns, it is more an all out rush run for the victory conditions. I wished the scenario would be a turn or two longer to allow the Russians to advance more cautiously. Lots of thing to take account of for the Russians. The three T-28 M34 have no radio so they must use platoon movement wich was another rule we need to learn. On the first turn, my air support killed 2 squads and reduced a third one while evading AA fire. On turn 2, Rudel Ju-87 Stuka missed killing the main tank (Russian T28E M40) with his bomb rolling boxcars. So, no more bomb to eliminate the 4 incoming Russians tanks. On the other hand, the strafing runs of both air support German planes did terrible damage on the Russian Infantry troops, killing two squads, their Leader and breaking a third one. Needless to say, that we learned that when playing against air support, the better tactics would be to disperse your troops and not aligned them on the same hexrows. Later on turn 2, The German ATR eliminated the first Russian T28 M34 with a critical hit side hull shot. But that squad was later broken and reduced by another T26 M34 during the Defensive Fire Phase. On Turn 3, the same Russian T28 M34 eliminated two squads manning a LMG and the other the ATR in the wooden building in 14W5, opening the way for the infantry. Later on the movement phase, the German Hero Langer 149 destroyed another T28 M34 with a successfully positionned Demolition Charge and the third T28 M34 rolled a boxcar on ther start mechanical reliability DR immobilizing it. This Immobilezd T28 M34 would later on the next turn eliminate my Hero with a Critical Hit from the MA HE 76 mm round. On turn 5 the German kept eliminating the Russians squads with two other strafing run and stunned the only remaining Russian T28E M40 tank with another MG critical Hit just at the edge of the airstrips. On turn 6, it was still possible for the Russian to meet the victory conditions but when they start to move, Hans-Ulrich Rudel made another strafing run with his JU-87 Stuka miraculously stunning a second time the T28E M40 tank ending all hopes for the Russians to win the game. Gray_fox
Danish Crossroads JimT1277
The Gin Drinker's LineJohn and I are fans of larger scenarios, but due to work we'll be playing some shorter ones for the next couple months. This one obviously has banzai written all over it, so I set up to at least deny him one to kick off the action., Some lucky long-range shooting on a stack move killed a precious Jap leader and HS, broke the remaining three HS, and busted one of his two mortars. My wire made him re-route his western attack. John got revenge the bottom of the turn when I tried a stack move of my own and his MMG had a deceptively clear shot to them. Three dead HS, one broken, and a HOB heroic 8-1 later things knocked me back down to size. Neither of us are prone to mistakes of this nature, but this scenario is so short on time we had to press. I had covered both areas of entry well I thought, but was relieved when he chose the Turn 2 entry area. Both because it allowed my western force a turn to reposition, and because I thought the terrain would be too restrictive for him to move very far each turn in the east. What I didn't count on was the nice overwatch position his MMG was allowed at the lip of the valley. Even though I knew PTO was not in effect, I had a hard time grasping the nature of the board's LOS over the valley woods. Thankfully for me my sniper brained another leader in the east (9-1), but he'd still have two there, and that'd be enough. Once again I did what I could to prohibit a banzai in the east, though I knew that'd be the last reprieve I'd have. Turn 3 was very good for him, as he busted up my wall of Brits in the west by catching me off guard with a DC Hero. The full squad target survived the DC pinned but was lost in CC, while a HS went down in an existing melee. In the west some strong AF busted up a squad and my 9-1. The routing options on this board were abysmal, many times only allowing a step back of one hex, or even away from the desired direction entirely. My Turn 3 saw my western boys regroup in the woods, while my eastern boys did their best to skulk and avoid too much fire. Turn 4 saw the first banzai of course, and he grabbed his first hut. The other hut stood tall however, when the squad defending it survived heavy fire. With nowhere to hide he proceeded to break 3/4 of the HS next door to him, who had nowhere good to rout, and then once again survived heavy fire. This would make for a difficult decision for John on his last turn. Did he sit and shoot? And if so with how much? He chose not to, and kicked things off with a DC delivery from his 8+1, but I of course ignored this as I knew the position was lost anyway. So then he launched the first banzai of the turn and tied me up that way. His next banzai made what I consider an error in target, limiting his access to one of the needed hut hexes. This allowed me to focus on the one stack of units that could reach it, and they were whittled down and eventually eliminated. A rather hollow feeling victory as this one felt way too predictable and scripted at the end, and started growing tedious around Turn 3. buser333
Broken ColumnI took the defending Germans and set up a forward defense. All German units set up hip which is great. I decided to set up in places with long Los and street fighting opportunities as the British need to exit 1 of 3 trucks towing an AT gun. Kill all three trucks and the scenario is over. The British have 9 turns and a lot of infantry firepower to move these trucks two board lengths. My opponent made the mistake of trying to move the trucks with the infantry, which gave me some nice 8fp shots on the star line. I didn't even need to kill as immobilization would have had the same effect. I ended the scenario in German turn 5 taking out the last truck with prep fire small arms fire. Fun scenario but I would have definitely held those trucks back until the 8fp stack had been completely neutralized. tatumjonj
The Clearing Heloanjin
Going to New York!This was a massacre by the Americans. As the Italians swarmed on the board, spread out between the north and west to keep the Americans split, every American IFT was at least an NMC and almost every MC by the Italians was a failure. By the bottom of turn 2, the Italians had 1 GO leader, 3 GO units, and no chance of achieving the VC. Turuk
The FugitivesMy units east of the river were set up to quickly retreat across the bridges, and they did so. This provided the Germans an uncontested approach to the northern bridge, and they had their first units at the entry of it at the end of Turn 2. Another decent-sized force moved up behind cover of the hedgerow toward the center bridge (this, and the one just south of it the only bridges clear of rubble), and another token force moved on the south. The last batch of reinforcements made it obvious that the strongest infantry push would be in the north. Turn 3 saw a HT race over the center bridge and off, but the AC and the Panzer were both stopped at the German-side entry of the bridge (the latter burning), providing some infantry cover at least. A Russian squad was taken captive in its attempt to block the north bridge. Turn 4 saw the hot AT gun smoked in by the StuG, allowing the other HT and two trucks to drive off, aided also by the ridiculously poorly constructed SSR4. Another Russian squad was lost in the north, and the Germans now had their bridgehead. The much-needed Russian reinforcements of course chose to enter up there, as half the current Russian force situated there were dummies. Turn 5 saw the StuG fall in the same hex as the AC, the Russian HMG overheat while rebuffing the central German force, and the Germans exploit their northern bridgehead. Had you asked me at this point what I thought the German's chances would be I would've guessed practically zero, but I was proven wrong on Turns 6-9 in what would be one of the most exciting sessions of ASL I've ever played. Andy pushed his troops hard, and was rewarding by averaging about 5 on his MCs. If his IFT rolls would've matched these the game would've been over quickly, but here he was about as cold as I've ever seen dice (averaging almost 9 at one point), with a fair bit of 12s in the mix to break some MGs and reduce his ammo-short men. By the end of Turn 6 my northern troops were almost hugging the border, staying out of LOS of his 9-2 kill stack. Turn 7 was a disaster for him in the middle though, with everybody being broken and rounded up as POWs. He did manage to eliminate my crew in CC, but these men were busted up trying to dash across the road on Turn 8. In the north things fared much better, with him storming up and catching some of my men in open ground, rounding up a squad and leader as further potential exit VPs. I was lucky enough to survive a 8+0 in the far north though after whiffing on my 16+0, allowing me to advance and tie him up in CC in the woods adjacent to the board edge. My tank survived a PF shot to back into bypass to cover one of the four hexes he could exit from, I moved men into the upper levels to cover another, and men up to the wall and in the woos to hopefully the other two. Had he connected on his only prep shot in Turn 9 I think he would've had a safe haven, but his 6+1 only managed to pin my HMG squad, disallowing a FL at least. 12 VP of infantry were guaranteed as they AM'd off, joining the 12VP of vehicles previously exited, seeing him only need 9VPmore to win, of which he had 15VP possible (2 of which would need to infiltrate out of CC). One squad AM to the edge - pass. Another squad same - pass. 8-0 leader guaranteed exit - 1VP. But disaster struck when his 9-2/squad walked into snake eyes resid, and then final final saw another snakes eliminate one of the squads. Game over. I give Andy a lot of credit for sticking with what I considered an impossible situation, as it made for one hell of an exciting ending. buser333
Bridge Over the River QueenExcellent design by Tom Morin.

Russians Bayonet Charged a northern German position and were able to eliminate it easily, and followed on to another location before being broken. In the south, the Russians were in H-t-H on their turn 1, and pushed the Germans back towards the railcars, with a lone, PINNED, 447 securing the Russian VC. Only a concealed German HS remained in the North. (VASL Log)
Cole's ChargeClose Assault Round 1 vs Neal
Started off badly for Neal as my first few shots were 3s and 4s. It didn't get better apart from one HOB roll that sent his 10-2 Heroic, a double -edged sword in the end as the game ended after his heroic 10-2 broke and wounded, while his 9 ML leader boxcarred at the same time.

This was played with part of the German OB reinforcements delayed until turn 2, but Neal was basically shot off the map. An Unsatisfying game because of the way it unfolded but as always Neal's a great guy to play.
I've played this scenario a few times over the years because it's fast, simple and brutal, and my enjoyment rating is for the scenario not the way the game played out.

It's by no means a classic but it's a serviceable scenario and best played as part of the entire Action at Carentan series.
Ham and Bloody JamBritish glider landing went well and quickly overwhelmed German defenders around the PB. British crossed bridge and when they tried to clear bridge, German HIP opened up and took out clearing stack (bad MC rolls). This allowed Germans to hold out.
The Guards Counterattack Bootydancechamp
No Man, No ProblemGermans did not take any buildings. RJenulis
L'Union Fait la Force manzoliandrea72
Going PostalI played the defending Poles in this one as we work our way through the entire PiF pack. I set up heavy in or near the Post Office. The Partisans set up where they had to but I immediately abandoned that building to try and protect the PO. My first bit of luck came when he big moving stack came adjacent to my HIP -1 ldr -1 hero and squad with LMG. I hit him with a little 12 -4 and broke everybody. I was then able to take out both trucks towing the AT guns so those never got into play. The last bit of luck was that due to some bad luck, he opponent never got a single shot out of the flamethrower until finally getting one with the game all but decided. I think the FTers are the key to victory as you'll bang away all day at Fanatics in +5 terrain and not get any results. Throw a stun on or a CX and now you're +6. Even DM those squads rally in the PO with the 10 -1 leader with a 6. This scenario is not highly rated, I would imagine getting a lot of mediocre votes from the Poles taking a beating if they didn't play defense properly, but I thought it was a lot of fun. Very tense and a lot of decisions to make whether to stand and fight or skulk away and let the Germans remains unmolested in close proximity. For the most part, I chose to avoid his FP and fight when I had to. tatumjonj
Belgian BottleneckThe Belgian forces put up a stiff defense but eventually broke under the GER 5-4-8 group, DCs and FT (which miraculously did not run out of fuel!) and tanks that were fairly effective with the smoke dispensers. The level two hill and the stone buildings are key to slowing the Germans down. dmareske

Latest News

March Madness Korean War pack updated
The Encircled Productions guys have updated their pack to include errata to fix some issues with some scenarios (most of the errata is already on the site but I'm told there's a couple of small extra bits that are fixed, too).

Existing purchasers can simply re-download their pack to receive the updated version at no extra cost.
March Madness Korean War pack available for download
The March Madness Korean War pack is available for download at a cost of $20 from the shop.

8 scenarios, ranging from small to large all featuring the KW. Look out for an episode of IR focusing on this pack, shortly!
ROAR record importer
After too many requests from players, I've now added a way for you to import your playings from ROAR into the archive. The instructions can be found at the bottom of your My Page, but essentially requires you to copy and paste your playing records from your account page in ROAR into a spreadsheet, then from there into the input box.

Games aren't removed from your account but duplicates won't be added (duplicates check player name, scenario and dates).

Please do carry on using ROAR if you choose to do so, but this is being offered to players who'd like to consolidate their records here.
Reports and statistics
I've added a replica of the roar balance report (based on archive plays) underneath reports -> balance, on the left hand menu and some statistics charts, too.

Want to see how many games have been logged and when? Are we playing more now than we did 3 years ago? What about the year when the most scenarios were published? Or are games played with vasl more regularly than ftf?

All this and a little bit more on the statistics page (found on the left hand side under reports).
Map page and new search options
The Maps link on the left hand nav bar takes you to a maps page that provides the opportunity to search the maps via names and tags. The maps that don't have images will slowly get updated, and those who have admin rights can add tags to help scenario designers and players filter maps by a set of tags, such as Rural, City, Stream, etc.

You can update your map collection, in order to search by maps owned on the advanced search, by ticking the boxes on this page which should automatically update your map collection. The button that is on this page takes all publications that you own and adds the maps that are listed on those into your collection.

As always, a big thanks to those who help populate this data!

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Death's Head Denouementcosarara Linked the scenario to ROAR3h 25m ago
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Forest Gummaiabx Added a playing6h 23m 57s ago
BlockbustersHutch Modified the gps location8h 20m 30s ago
BlockbustersHutch Modified the misc. rules8h 25m 36s ago
Genghis Khan Lives!Hutch Modified the misc. rules8h 30m 30s ago
Hard CactusHutch Modified the gps location8h 54m 37s ago
Hard CactusHutch Modified the overview8h 56m 4s ago
Hard CactusHutch Modified the overview8h 56m 40s ago
Hard CactusHutch Modified the overview8h 57m 51s ago
Hard CactusHutch Modified the Unit Elements8h 58m 56s ago
Hard CactusHutch Modified the misc. rules8h 59m 17s ago
Hard CactusHutch Modified the misc. rules9h 8s ago
Hard CactusHutch Modified the misc. rules9h 5m 1s ago
Hard CactusHutch Modified the misc. rules9h 9m 42s ago
Hard CactusHutch Modified the Unit Elements9h 13m 57s ago
Mayhem In ManilaHutch Modified the misc. rules9h 14m 40s ago
Mayhem in ManilaHutch Modified the misc. rules9h 15m 52s ago
Sparkplugjrwusmc Added a playing9h 30m 1s ago
Frank's TanksDjord Added a playing9h 52m 19s ago
Hühnersuppewwillow Added a playing10h 52m 47s ago
The Devil's RoadHutch Modified the misc. rules14h 15m 48s ago
The Devil's RoadHutch Modified the gps location14h 18m 30s ago
The Devil's RoadHutch Modified the unit counts14h 19m 11s ago
The Devil's RoadHutch Modified the Attacker's Guns14h 19m 11s ago
The Devil's RoadHutch Modified the Defender's Guns14h 19m 11s ago
The Devil's RoadHutch Modified the Attacker's Guns14h 20m 22s ago
The Devil's RoadHutch Modified the Defender's Guns14h 20m 22s ago
The Devil's RoadHutch Modified the unit counts14h 20m 23s ago
The Devil's RoadHutch Modified the misc. rules14h 21m 33s ago
Gate Of HellHutch Modified the overlays14h 22m 11s ago
Tilting At WindmillsHutch Modified the misc. rules14h 23m 7s ago
Tilting At WindmillsHutch Modified the gps location14h 24m 13s ago
Tilting At WindmillsHutch Modified the unit counts14h 25m 27s ago
Tilting At WindmillsHutch Modified the Attacker's Guns14h 25m 27s ago
Tilting At WindmillsHutch Modified the Defender's Guns14h 25m 27s ago
Tilting At WindmillsHutch Modified the Unit Elements14h 27m 21s ago
Tilting At WindmillsHutch Modified the misc. rules14h 27m 50s ago
Tilting At WindmillsHutch Modified the overlays14h 28m 8s ago
First Of May Dairy FarmHutch Modified the misc. rules14h 28m 38s ago
First Of May Dairy FarmHutch Modified the unit counts14h 29m 38s ago
First Of May Dairy FarmHutch Modified the Attacker's Guns14h 29m 38s ago
First Of May Dairy FarmHutch Modified the Attacker's Guns14h 30m 2s ago
First Of May Dairy FarmHutch Modified the Defender's Guns14h 30m 2s ago
First Of May Dairy FarmHutch Modified the unit counts14h 30m 3s ago
First Of May Dairy FarmHutch Modified the overlays14h 30m 56s ago
First Of May Dairy FarmHutch Modified the misc. rules14h 31m 41s ago
First Of May Dairy FarmHutch Modified the Unit Elements14h 32m 16s ago
Last LightHutch Modified the misc. rules14h 33m 38s ago
Genghis Khan Lives!asloser Linked the scenario to ROAR14h 34m 31s ago
Last LightHutch Modified the unit counts14h 35m 12s ago
Last LightHutch Modified the Attacker's Guns14h 35m 12s ago
Last LightHutch Modified the unit counts14h 35m 56s ago
Last LightHutch Modified the Attacker's AFVs14h 35m 56s ago
Last LightHutch Modified the Attacker's Guns14h 36m 35s ago
Last LightHutch Modified the Defender's Guns14h 36m 35s ago
Last LightHutch Modified the unit counts14h 36m 36s ago
Last LightHutch Modified the Attacker's AFVs14h 36m 36s ago
Last LightHutch Modified the Unit Elements14h 38m 22s ago
Little FriendsHutch Modified the misc. rules14h 40m 51s ago
Little FriendsHutch Modified the unit counts14h 41m 57s ago
Little FriendsHutch Modified the Attacker's AFVs14h 41m 57s ago
Little FriendsHutch Modified the Defender's Guns14h 41m 57s ago
Little FriendsHutch Modified the Attacker's Guns14h 42m 48s ago
Little FriendsHutch Modified the Defender's Guns14h 42m 48s ago
Little FriendsHutch Modified the unit counts14h 42m 49s ago
Little FriendsHutch Modified the unit counts14h 43m 57s ago
Little FriendsHutch Modified the Attacker's Guns14h 43m 57s ago
Little FriendsHutch Modified the Unit Elements14h 46m 8s ago
Little FriendsHutch Modified the misc. rules14h 46m 31s ago
Retake Hill 253.3Hutch Modified the misc. rules14h 47m 9s ago
Retake Hill 253.3Hutch Modified the Attacker's Guns14h 48m 3s ago
Retake Hill 253.3Hutch Modified the unit counts14h 48m 31s ago
Retake Hill 253.3Hutch Modified the Attacker's Guns14h 48m 31s ago
Retake Hill 253.3Hutch Modified the Defender's Guns14h 48m 31s ago
Retake Hill 253.3Hutch Modified the Unit Elements14h 50m ago
Gubkin's 13th CommandmentHutch Modified the Unit Elements14h 50m 36s ago
Retake Hill 253.3Hutch Modified the misc. rules14h 50m 55s ago
Gubkin's 13th CommandmentHutch Modified the misc. rules14h 51m 40s ago
Gubkin's 13th CommandmentHutch Modified the Attacker's Guns14h 54m 4s ago
Gubkin's 13th CommandmentHutch Modified the Defender's Guns14h 54m 4s ago
Gubkin's 13th CommandmentHutch Modified the unit counts14h 54m 46s ago
Gubkin's 13th CommandmentHutch Modified the Attacker's Guns14h 54m 46s ago
Gubkin's 13th CommandmentHutch Modified the Defender's Guns14h 54m 46s ago
Gate Of HellHutch Modified the misc. rules14h 56m 19s ago
Gate Of HellHutch Modified the unit counts15h 43s ago
Gate Of HellHutch Modified the Attacker's Guns15h 43s ago
Gate Of HellHutch Modified the Attacker's Guns15h 1m 38s ago
Gate Of HellHutch Modified the Defender's Guns15h 1m 38s ago
Gate Of HellHutch Modified the unit counts15h 1m 39s ago
Gate Of HellHutch Modified the Attacker's AFVs15h 1m 39s ago
Gate Of HellHutch Modified the Unit Elements15h 4m 35s ago
First Of May State FarmHutch Modified the misc. rules15h 7m 37s ago
First Of May State FarmHutch Modified the Unit Elements15h 11m 23s ago
Tank Hunters of PonyriHutch Modified the gps location15h 12m 41s ago
Tank Hunters of PonyriHutch Modified the misc. rules15h 13m 19s ago
Tank Hunters of PonyriHutch Modified the unit counts15h 15m 22s ago
Tank Hunters of PonyriHutch Modified the Defender's Guns15h 15m 22s ago
Tank Hunters of PonyriHutch Modified the unit counts15h 16m 5s ago
Tank Hunters of PonyriHutch Modified the Defender's Guns15h 16m 5s ago

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ASL 11 - Doomed Battalions (3rd Edition) 246.24
ASL 15 - Forgotten War 166.24
Critical Hit # 3 186.23
March Madness `97 Pack 126.23
Tactiques # 9 106.23
From The Cellar Pack # 6 106.23
Rally Point #21 106.23
Hero PAX 1: Hurtgen Hell to Bulge Nightmare 86.22
Blitzkrieg Pack 186.22
Armoured Aussie Pack 76.22
ASL 11 - Doomed Battalions (2nd Edition) 86.21
Tactiques # 2 106.21
Out of the Bunker 146.21
HASL 10b - Red October 116.21
ASL 4 - Partisan! 86.20
Schwerpunkt #15 126.20
Rally Point # 8 106.20
ASL 14 - Hakkaa Päälle! 176.20
Internet: MMP 66.19
Recon by Fire! #4 146.19
Franc-Tireur #15 226.19
Rally Point # 6 106.17
Rally Point # 9 106.13
SASL 1 - Solitaire ASL (2nd Edition) 216.11
The Canadians In Italy 2: The Spaghetti League 126.09
Schwerpunkt # 3 126.08
Buckeyes! 106.07
From The Cellar Pack # 7 106.07
Schwerpunkt # 2 126.06
Franc-Tireur #14 326.06
ASL 8 - Code of Bushido 86.04
Leibstandarte Pack 4 - Turning of the Tide! 86.04
ASL 6 - The Last Hurrah (2nd Edition) 86.03
Schwerpunkt #18 126.03
HASL 3 - Kampfgruppe Peiper II 86.02
Waffen-SS I: No Quarter No Glory! 66.02
Backblast # 2 86.00
Recon by Fire! #1 86.00
Objective: Schmidt 176.00
ASL 1 - Beyond Valor (1st Edition) 106.00
Dezign Pak 8 105.98
HASL 5 - Blood Reef: Tarawa 105.93
The Canadians In Italy 3: D-Day Dodgers 105.91
Schwerpunkt # 1 125.91
Dezign Pak 3 155.90
Blitzkrieg in the West - Northern Campaign 65.90
HASL 6 - A Bridge Too Far 125.88
Paddington Bears '97 Pack 85.88
Time on Target # 1 135.86
ASL Journal #15 115.84
Hero PAX 2: Eastern Front Hero Fest 85.83
Time on Target # 2 215.83
Deluxe Pack #1 125.82
From The Cellar Pack #12 115.82
Southern Cross Scenario Pack `96 65.80
Rally Point # 5 105.75
Wacht Am Rhein 165.73
ASLOK 2005 - 20th Anniversary Scenario Pack 105.71
DASL 2 - Hedgerow Hell 85.70
Winpak #2 65.68
ASL For Fun-LCP 325.68
Melee Pack I 65.63
All American I: Kellam's Bridge 105.52
Leibstandarte Pack 3 - Clash at Kharkov! 85.48
Panzer Aces 65.43
Shingle's List 85.42
Hell's Highway 65.35
Firefights! 65.26
Guerra Civil: The Spanish Civil War 125.20
The Long March 175.16
Soldiers of the Negus 84.93

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1Dmitry Klyuykov1501431
2fabrizio da pra1671400
3Paul Works3941310
4Stefan Fiedler381304
5Paolo Cariolato8421296
6Philippe Briaux391279
7Justin DiSabatino
8Steven Linton511259
9Aaron Cleavin791254
10Craig Benn481243
11jon smith551242
12Indy Lagu
13Aaron Sibley2751228
14Eric Partizan Eric15851227
15Gordon Jupp4281223
16S. Slunt801221
17Tommi Kangasmaa481218
18Sam Tyson321217
19Paul Messina581216
20patrick palma5351216
21David Stoffey401211
22Michael Focht771209
23M T981209
24Dave Mareske
25Steven Pleva191207
26Brian Wiersma281204
27Carl Nogueira231202
28nathan wegener6741190
29Simon Staniforth
30Will Fleming231175
31Martin Mayers981175
32Vilis Pavulans1491173
33L Mattila571168
34Spencer Armstrong571167
35randy shurtz601166
36Kevin Sanders1211163
37Mark McG211163
38Curtis Brooks251163
39John Garlic12101162
40B-E Karlsson1251158
41John Garlic971158
42Mark Moore291154
43Ben Jones201153
44Tom Kearney5381153
45Lionel Colin711152
46Andreas R691152
47Jim Thompson251152
48Scott Fischbein1071150
49Paul Sidhu191149
50Robert Wolkey191149
51Michael Augustine201147
52Sean Mitchell251147
53Jeff Sewall291147
54Rich Domovic541146
55César Moreno451144
56Xavier Vitry121144
57Martin Vicca271144
58davide galloni1411142
59Igor Luckyanov371141
60X von Marwitz4191139
61Ron Duenskie171138
62Alessandro Demichelis321138
63Jeff B8361138
64Raoul Duke1011137
65Scott Hasson241135
66John O'Reilly171134
67John Boyle381133
68Derek Ritter241133
69Gerard Burton1851132
70Melvin Falk101131
71Tony Fermendzin411130
72david ginnard281130
73Rich Weiley
74Alex Koestler661127
75Seumas Hoskins911127
76Tom Weniger91126
77stan jackson361126
78martin barker
79Don Lazov921125
80Eric Topp
81Steve Bowen441125
82Gerry Proudfoot241125
83Jobbo Fett
84Jon Jaramillo321124
85Andy Hershey6141120
86Eben Johnson301119
87Andrew Young161118
88Hugh Harvey481118
89Gary Fortenberry151117
90Miguel Guerrero91117
91P-J Palmer121116
92Björn Lorenzen151115
93Enrico Catanzaro221113
94Bob Callen521113
95JP Laurio2261113
96Peter Dunn201112
97Tuomo Lukkari
98Chris Mazzei171110
99Bruno NITROSSO131110
100Laurent Tinture261110

Newest players - welcome!

mztymss_0408Ziqiao Zhang2025-02-16 09:06:42
tivowatcherDave Perk2025-02-07 04:03:55
ZillaBlitzMichael Smart2025-02-04 20:49:49

On this day...

A 103 Mayhem in ManilaManila, Luzon, Philippines1945
CH 81 Hard CactusSbeitla, Tunisia1943
CH 81a Hard CactusSbeitla, Tunisia1943
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